Can't find my motivation

I have three young children and really struggling to find my motivation to see this through. I'm the biggest I have been an almost creeping into obese territory which is not good for me or my family.

How do you find your motivation?


  • kristikitter
    kristikitter Posts: 602 Member
    A lot of writers say that if they waited for motivation to write, they wouldn't.

    Same applies here.
  • svarychevskagunder
    i also cant find motivation but i just eat less after
  • davidcliff
    davidcliff Posts: 144 Member
    If your motivation is to become healthier so you can be there for your kids, keep a picture of them handy, when ever you lack motivation, take out the photo and remind yourself why you're doing this. Don't just say it in your head, verbally reaffirm yourself why you're doing this. Kids can be a strong motivation.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited November 2016
    Being a healthy weight will mean you will have more energy and be more healthy in general. Do it for YOU as well as for your family, that should be all the motivation you need :smile:

    For me when I started my weight loss journey at 42 and overweight by 20 lbs meant I felt frumpy and lacked energy. When I started losing weight that all changed and 4 years on, I haven't looked back :smile:

    Small changes to how you eat can make a huge difference over time.

    All the best.
  • TriPaulCantRun
    TriPaulCantRun Posts: 50 Member
    It's really tough to help somebody to motivate themselves as we are all driven by different things.

    Identifying your goals can help, don't just say "I want to lose weight", actually decide exactly where you want to get to and when and then plan to achieve it. Include measurements (waist, chest etc.); as even when the scale movements slow down, you will see progress in those areas.
  • benzieboxx
    benzieboxx Posts: 253 Member
    I haven't had motivation for months now. I just take it day by day. Some days are worst than others but I move on.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    You have motivation..its inside.. you just got to tap into it when you are ready.
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    You can go to success story's on here they always help me when I need it.