
I posted in the success stories section but thought i would introduce my self :)

My name is Romall , i love comic books, starwars and working out. most of my life was spent
over weight. WHen i decided to join the Airforce they told me i was too fat. They also said i could
not workout with them because i wasa liability. That lead me to order a workout dvd of TV and
it changed my life. I lost the 60lbs in the first 50 days. It was enough to meet thier minimums.

Funny thing is i became addicited to the feeling of pushing my self in a workout so i kept going.
it took 6 months but i finished with 115lbs lost. Though i had a great transformation it wasn't
enough for uncle sam , and so my time with the air force came to an end.
Now I spend my time helping others have transformations like mine.


  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    Nice to have you here.
  • SuperHeroRipped
    thanks renee :D how goes your journey?
  • Emily4H
    Emily4H Posts: 170
    :smile: wow - thats well done! welcome to MFP
  • SuperHeroRipped
    Thanks emily, alot of great people here with some pretty good success stories
  • bmarq21
    bmarq21 Posts: 45
    wow 115? thats amazing!! do you have any dieting tips you could share?
  • SuperHeroRipped
    Best tip i have is Carbstart your day don't pasta finish it. eat most of your carbs in morning early afternoon so you can work them off. more importantly just be patient. the weight loss will come you just have to keep moving forward