I'm New!

Hey there, I'm new to this fitness thing as I've been diagnosed with Hypothyroid, and I'm finding it hard to cope with my weight gain. I run every morning and every night usually, and I just need some friends to help with motivation and great tips!


  • positivepursuits
    Hi I'm new too. I'm struggling with my eating habits and having to watch my exercise for to a neck/shoulder injury. Nice to meet you
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Welcome aboard! First of all know that being hypothyroid may be a hurdle, but a minor one in the grand scheme of things. There are several elite level athletes with hypothyroidism - Gillian Michaels would be one of them.

    I had a total thyroidectomy in 2000 and put on ~60lbs over 14 years as I was not tracking my intake and had pretty much stopped working out. About 2 years ago my wife was using MFP to lose some baby weight and I started up. I lost ~60 lbs in a year.

    As for being hypothyroid know your numbers and get your full thyroid panel - TSH, fT3, fT4, rT3. I'm on 175/200 mcg alternating daily with a TSH of ~.1-.2 and feel great. Also know that your hormones will not be able to balance out if you are overweight, so it creates a viscous circle. Avoid non-science based thyroid sites and/or anyone marketing or selling a "thyroid diet".

    Feel free to add me as a friend and if you have any questions - ask away.
  • kirstythewlis23
    kirstythewlis23 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey there, can relate but here for support ;)