Weight is not moving down :(

I dont know whats wrong :( i had just one bad day when i wasnt eating enought and my weight went up :( also it wasnt moving for a while :( like a week it was staying the same and now it went up :( i dont know what to do, i dont think its tom cuz i sopoose to have it in 12 days, can it be that or is it something else pls help i feel like im doing something wrong but i dont know what :( so im eating as i was for over 2 months when i lost about 8 kg, actually i havent workout really well but i was jumping on the trampoline, i was in the gym once and im working in the cafe where im a waitress can you help me and tell what it can be PLS


  • beckymorris68
    beckymorris68 Posts: 44 Member
    Little bit confused with what you're saying, but think you mean you are fed up with eating and exercising right, yet not losing.
    I was in the same boat. What I have done, and lost 1lb a week since is increased my protein intake. I am aiming for 70-80g a day.
    Boiled egg, low fat cottage cheese, lean chicken and fish, beans etc all great sources.
    Stop eating processed carbs - crisps, cereals like rice krispies, white bread, white pasta, white rice. Go for wholemeal versions instead. Eat some seeds and nuts as snacks, maybe 30g a day.
    Try this for a week and see how you get on.
    Oh, and drink lots of water!!
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    I am not a big fan of carbs. Don’t be to concerned about your scale weight. You can gain or lose 5lbs in 1 day based on water weight. This last month my scale only showed a loss of 4lbs but I lost 7% bodyfat which is a ton of body fat, this means I also increased a lot of muscle. Don’t worry to much about the scale.
  • congresta77
    congresta77 Posts: 31 Member
    I am in the same boat are you are... but like the person above me said.. don't worry about the scale so much. But also try to eat more protein. I am going to up my intake and see how that goes. It is a learning experience for all of us and what works for one person might not work for the other. So we have to find out what works for us. Good luck.. you have been doing great and I know you will continue to do so. So no worries ;-P
  • c0untingsheep
    c0untingsheep Posts: 159 Member
    I changed my diet up and started a new workout plan when I got fed up with hardly any results. Change things up a bit and see if that helps.
  • shorea8100
    shorea8100 Posts: 2 Member
    Sometimes you just need to eat slightly more to lose weight...i don't know why but my nutritionist said so. I agree with the rest - don't be too dependent on the scale. Sometimes when you exercise, you build muscle and muscle is heavier than fat.
  • Soulbird81
    Soulbird81 Posts: 86
    You cannot even say you've hit a plateau until you've gone a few weeks without any downward movement. Do not get discouraged over 1 week, keep pushing through.

    Always keep in mind that 80% of losing is about what you eat and how much you eat...the other 20% is about exercise (cardio and strength training). If you've done well with the eating (1 bad day is okay, own it and get passed it..one "bad" day should not give you the allowance to make the next day bad and the next after that).

    Drink plenty of water, drinking water all day long will keep you from drinking empty calories. I keep my liquid intake to water (flavored with oranges, lemons, strawberries, or raspberries) and tea (green, white, or red variety). I also allow myself a snack day, which happens to be the evening of my rest day as well. It just works for me that way.

    However you can certainly allow yourself a treat everynight as well. When I first began losing I was cutting as much added sugar from my diet as possible (simply because my body does not tolerate processing refined sugar at all, most people's bodies do not) but instead of going cold turkey I would have 1 Dove Dark Chocolate Bliss each evening before bed, along with my tea. I looked forward to my treat and did not feel deprived at all.

    One thing to remember though, even eating how you are supposed to is not going to get you to your weight loss goal. You'll lose in the beginning but then it will stall out because you need to burn those calories you're taking in!

    Keep moving, you'll get there :)