Losing weight but body measures stays same

Please help, i lost 10 kg but hips, neck, waist has same values...
Generally i feel lighter, my shirts are loose...


  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Neck won't change much, unless you are hardcore morbidly obese, or start doing a bunch of neck bridges, or an absurd amount of headbanging. Yes, the latter works, and has been put up to explain why George Fisher's neck is as big as my leg.

    The other staying static during weight loss is indicative that your body composition is going to *kitten*. That being said, what are you eating, doing activity wise, deficit, etc.
  • HJ_Fit
    HJ_Fit Posts: 5 Member
    Focus on the 'non scale victories'.
    If you fit your clothes better and feel healthier, then you are doing the right thing.
    You may just be gaining muscle mass which is replacing the weight of the fat in your body.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    HJ_Fit wrote: »
    Focus on the 'non scale victories'.
    If you fit your clothes better and feel healthier, then you are doing the right thing.
    You may just be gaining muscle mass which is replacing the weight of the fat in your body.

    Apparently you missed the part where the scale is dropping but the measurements aren't. There is no "NSV" there. The big two (hips and waist) haven't changed, despite a 22 lbs. loss. This indicates one of two things: serious hormonal problems, or the OP measured in completely different spots.

    Honestly, before/after pics would help, but I assume that if OP had those and wanted to post them, it would already be done.
  • dancing_daisy
    dancing_daisy Posts: 162 Member
    I have experienced something similar. A loss of maybe 10lbs but little to no change in waist and hip measurement. I've put it down to the core strengthening exercises I've been doing. The fat I have lost in that area has been replaced by muscle. I know this because I can feel the muscle underneath without pressing very much on the skin or in some places at all. When I say core exercises I mean strenuous though - long planks with high reps and weights, regular hour classes for just that section and various other things.
    If not that then I agree with above regarding measuring in the same place. It could also be that you're going to lose there last - I lost from my face first then limbs. That's typical of an apple shape.
  • HJ_Fit
    HJ_Fit Posts: 5 Member
    Apparently you missed the part where the scale is dropping but the measurements aren't. There is no "NSV" there. The big two (hips and waist) haven't changed, despite a 22 lbs. loss. T.

    It's safe to say we are going off minimal information from the OP, so before being passive-aggressive with other users who are trying to help, we need further info from the OP. We don't know what's causing it or what shape they are or what diet/workout they are having. They could just be bloated on the day they took their measurements! Unfortunately we can't help. Keep an open mind.
  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member
    22 lbs loss should be measurable on a measuring tape. So either you measured wrong OR you're extremely overweight and went on a low carb diet and therefore lost a bunch of water weight, which is typical, but no fat loss yet and therefore no inches lost.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    22 lbs loss should be measurable on a measuring tape. So either you measured wrong OR you're extremely overweight and went on a low carb diet and therefore lost a bunch of water weight, which is typical, but no fat loss yet and therefore no inches lost.

    Even with the low-carb water woosh, there's almost always a notable measurement loss. As glycogen related water reserves flush out, muscle volume will decrease noticably, unless of course there isn't much mass there to begin with, in which case the water loss should be waaaaay lower.
  • tiny_clanger
    tiny_clanger Posts: 301 Member
    Your body will shed the most dangerous visceral and subcutaneous abdomen fat first when you start losing weight. It naturally wants that stuff gone, that's the stuff that disrupts body function, can contribute to T2 diabetes or fatty liver. The body is less worried about subcutaneous hip and thigh fat, as this is a safe place for fat to be stored. So if you were very overweight or very apple shaped, you might have lost a lot of visceral fat without losing many inches. You should soon start to see a dramatic loss of inches if you keep following the plan that has got you 22lb down.

    It's likely you've done some amazing things inside your body though, so don't be disheartened.