Thanksgiving and diet?

Hey all,
I was just wondering how you guys are approaching thanksgiving. Are you going to track your calories? Work out extra leading up to and after? Not eat anything that day besides dinner? Or just have an extreme cheat day because it's a holiday and not worry about weight?
I'm just curious to see the different approaches in the community. Comment below!


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I make sure I get my exercise in and eat a light breakfast, then go crazy!! Not really but it is one day out of a year. Life's too short not to have some fun!
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    edited November 2016
    We already had our Thanksgiving in Canada, and I scheduled a "maintenance break" to coincide with that and a couple of other events. I ate and drank about a thousand calories over my maintenance on that day, and not one F was given! Over the course of my two-week break my weight stayed pretty much the same because I ate under on some other days. (Edit: I did track everything, just so that I knew what I'd had, but I didn't much care about sticking to my numbers that day.)

    Like @queenliz99 said, it's one day. Enjoy it!

    (I'm timing my next break to cover Christmas and New Year... :) )
  • tiffanyfoundit
    tiffanyfoundit Posts: 130 Member
    I mean a lot of food on thanksgiving isn't even that bad for you. I hella eat turkey all the time and I'm just gonna eat the proteins and good veggies first then dig into the less healthy things.

    But also I'm definitely going for a run and maybe some other work.
  • SweetHeresy
    SweetHeresy Posts: 15 Member
    Eat less calories the days leading up to Thanksgiving.
    Probably just going to eat dinner that day.
    Some extra cardio.

    ...cause I fully intend on stuffing myself with turkey and mashed potatoes. Lol.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I am aiming for 4000+ calories. Eating all the food and drinking all the drinks. :drinker: