Newbie here!!

I started this yestarday and well I need some encouragement! I have tried many diets with no success. I would like to feel better and have more energy hopefully this helps me. I can say Day 2 was hard, I felt hungry and had a huge headache. Hoping I get over that quick!
Anyone have any advice or any success here?


  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    Welcome :o)

    Definately the right place for encouragement there seems to always be someone to help with your questions :o)

    i'd suggest trying to drink more water if you're not already...have you been eating all your calories? That may help, i didn't find i was hungry when i started, i have been struggling to eat all my calories!

    I've been on here since Saturday and have lost 2lb in a week and possibly up to 7lb since the beginning of the month but have used different scales so not sure.

    Good luck - sorry I can't help more but hopefully someone who has been on here long may have some better suggestions :o)
  • Jodi4009
    Jodi4009 Posts: 2

    I am new too. I have at least 50 lbs to lose and this is my first day! YIKES! Wish me luck!
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    Hiya, im on day 2 of eating healthier aswell! Although iv been exercising well for over a month now. This is where it really starts to work for me hopefully :) . Drink plently of water, im doing about 2 to 3 litres aday, that includes the 1 to 1.5 im drinking whilst exercising. Best of luck mate!