New mom/losing baby weight

Wondering if there are any other breastfeeding moms on here also trying to lose some baby weight?? Would love the extra support and encouragement on here! Add me!


  • Beckydavies1989
    Beckydavies1989 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there I am Becky from the u.k
  • lisaquinn2121
    lisaquinn2121 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Lisa. I have 5 month old twins I breastfeed. I have 22 pounds to lose and would love friends to help keep me accountable. :smiley:
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Hey, I'm also breastfeeding. Currently 5 weeks postpartum, waiting on the go ahead from my dr at my 6 weeks check up to start exercising.
  • JohnKim2011
    JohnKim2011 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi-I'm Kim and I have a 3 month old and breastfeeding. I have 20lb to lose and would love some support from other moms who get it!
  • DemeikaS
    DemeikaS Posts: 4 Member
    Hi im hoping to Lose 20 pounds. My son is 4 months . Add me and we can work together :-)
  • jstephens5374
    jstephens5374 Posts: 5 Member
    edited November 2016
    My baby girl is almost 3 months old and im breastfeeding. My goal is to lose 19 lbs by the end of January 2017, and lose at least 40 lbs by August 2017. It has been a struggle to find people who are supportive, so I would love to help support you on your journey and maybe support each other! Good luck.
  • AprilKill
    AprilKill Posts: 47 Member
    Add me, my son is 3 weeks and I had my first Postpartum check up today and my doctor said it was OK for me to start walking.... have 35 , lose
  • cornpop23
    cornpop23 Posts: 5 Member
    Im a mom to a 1yr old and I greatly underestimated how difficult it would be for me to lose weight...30-40 to go (still!) I'm new and needing help! Add me!! And please tell me how to add people! Thanks
  • kristibhansen
    kristibhansen Posts: 1 Member
    My daughter is 2 months and I have a 2 year old toddler. I have 30 lbs to lose to be at my pre pregnancy weight (from before my first pregnancy- 15 from the most recent pregnancy). I am nursing and craving crunchy carbs! Would love support!
  • kirstythewlis23
    kirstythewlis23 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey there, my son is 5 in a couple of weeks I'm only just losing my baby weight haha. Actually not laughing because that's shamefully isn't it :neutral: I was 18 when having mine, I breast fed and didn't loose any but I ate loads. With the right diet and balance at moment I'm getting there. Anyway I'm talking and talking... If you want to chat I'm here for a chat and motivation :)
  • casseym08
    casseym08 Posts: 2 Member
    Also a new mom! My son is 7 weeks. It seems like the first twenty pounds just fell off. Now the rest is being stubborn. I'd love some support from other exhausted mamas!
  • mindyoloteo
    mindyoloteo Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there, my name is Mindy. I have 5 kids and my youngest just turned 1. So I've been on my fitness journey for 10 months now and I've lost 40 pounds just by changing my eating habits. I eat clean 80% of the time. I started a few beach body programs and I lost an additional 16.6 pounds with a total of 56.6 pounds. I still breast feed my daughter which helps as well. I would love to support and encourage other moms out there. I did all of this without stepping a foot in the gym.
  • angiejim0415
    angiejim0415 Posts: 21 Member
    I have a 2wk old I breast feed and a 4yo. I have lost most of my pregnancy weight for the exception of 5lbs, but I'm looking to lose another 10-20lbs. I've started exercising again, but I'm having a hard time eating healthy since I'm still so used to giving into my cravings during pregnancy.
  • KerrieJane86
    KerrieJane86 Posts: 75 Member
    Hey :) My name is Kerrie I'm a 30 yr old nurse. I managed to gain 68 lbs while pregnant soooo it's probably going to take me forever to lose my baby weight. Haha I'm the mom of a beautiful almost 3 mo old named Izzy who I'm breastfeeding :) Add me :)
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    6 day old here... Just focusing on logging, breastfeeding and establishing supply. I had a c-section and wearing my abdominal binder all day, it is helping with reactivating my core muscles. Gained only 25 lbs during the pregnancy and still retaining fluids so my current weight is not accurate.
  • sarahs8705
    sarahs8705 Posts: 15 Member
    3 weeks old on Wednesday and breastfeeding. Only 2 lbs to go to prepregnancy weight, but started out very overweight 203 lb and would like to get to a healthy weight. How many calories is good to keep the milk supply up but lose weight? It is too soon to workout, but do you eat back workout calories while breastfeeding also?
  • Luvs_Rage_Phish
    Luvs_Rage_Phish Posts: 87 Member
    Hi! Returning to MFP cause it's time to start focusing on losing this weight. I have a 5 month old and I have 50 lbs to lose before I start trying for baby number 2 next year. I still weigh the same as when I came home from the hospital - it's time. Feel free to add me!
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    @sarahs8705 It's hard to say how many calories because it depends on a number of factors, including your height and weight. I'm 5'1 and about 140 lbs. Without exercise I ate about 2000 calories daily and was losing. Maintained at about 2200 cals. And I was very sedentary. Probaby made 3000 steps a day on a good day. Breastfeeding was what caused me to be able to eat so much.
  • tomayabre
    tomayabre Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Im Tomaya and my baby girl Emori is 5 months i have 20 to lose to be at postpartum. But i want to lose 60 in all. I'm looking for any encouragement as well as sharing meals plans and workouts. I just started back at the gym but i need healthy eating habits! ADD ME
  • Hi there everyone. I am struggling as well. I put 26kg(52 pounds) during my first pregnancy and now I am 5 months pregnant again( gained 14 pounds already). I managed to lose 10kg(20 pounds) during the two months period between pregnancies( Dukan Diet). I would like now to connect with moms who understand the struggle so we can motivate ourselves. I want to be better this pregnancy and lose the weight in a healthy way after.
  • paigey9
    paigey9 Posts: 123 Member
    Oooh a post I can relate to :)
    My son is in his 9th month now and I'm still breastfeeding. ((LOVE IT))
    I have 35-40lbs to lose. I gained a lot after he was born and put some on b4 I got pregnant. Is harder to focus with a little one but babies are not an excuse unfortunately.

    Please add me sexy mommas and give babies a ❤️ I need some support. Many of my other mfpals don't understand Hahaa.
  • BoyMomE
    BoyMomE Posts: 3 Member
    Yes!! Hey ladies, I'm new to MFP. My youngest son is 6 months and I'm having a tough time losing this baby weight yet consuming 500 extra calories a day. Luckily I'm not gaining weight which is super surprising with all the snacking I've been doing because I'm ALWAYS hungry. And did I mention I'm a SAHM now and have PPD and PPA so there are times I want to just mindlessly eat for comfort, ugh not good. My son has something serious against sleeping too so more often than not I don't have the opportunity to meal prep healthy options! Ahhhh! Not sure about all that add me business haha but I'm assuming it's like friend requesting so feel free. I'd love to hear anything that has been working for you mommas or helping you on your journey
  • katsoslim
    katsoslim Posts: 39 Member
    Add me too! I'd love to help support some other new moms and I need some kicks in the butt to keep me going, too. I put on 53 ilbs (uops) and have my brother's wedding in exactly 6 months... I'm a bridesmaid and the dresses are long, form fitting AND a blush color. They will show everything! Help!! I'm determined to lose at least 40 by the wedding in June.
  • nikitaclarke50
    nikitaclarke50 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi my name is nikita i have to sons the youngest is 8 months it's took me this long to even begin to think about getting back into shape as my lb was born with a rare condtion which ment loads of hospital he finally getting better i xan finally foucas on my weight I'm new to mfp so please feel free to add me
  • missyt1216
    missyt1216 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is TJ and I just had a baby last week. I'm not actively trying to lose weight as I have been busy, busy, busy, but I am trying to not gain weight. So far I have lost about 7 pounds though. I've been tying to reduce needless eating and breastfeeding is helping I think. I also only gained about 25 pounds while pregnant, all in my belly, so I'm hoping that that will aide in my efforts to the lose weight.

    Good luck to everyone. :) Feel free to add me if you'd like.