Ex-Athlete Finding Her Way

I just had to share my recent success.....I'm an ex-athlete who gained a ton of weight after 4 knee surgeries and after 10 years I'm ready to take my life back! I signed up at the gym, use my fitness pal to log food and my fitbit is always on!

Last night was my first personal training session and I was terrified because it's been so long since I've really worked out. I almost didn't go I was so nervous. BUUUUUUT I found the courage to go anyway and it was amazing! My trainer worked with me on what I could and couldn't do and modified things so I could make it work. It was hard and I was disappointed I couldn't just jump back into athlete mode however I was really proud of myself for going and pushing through.

Then this morning I woke up feeling great, a little sore but not bad. My biggest struggle has always been food and tracking it (as an athlete I could pretty much eat what I wanted and I burned it off) so after having a great night I woke up really determined to have a good food logging day. I had a banana and some apple cinnamon oatmeal for breakfast and even logged it!

It's a small win but for me it's huge and if I can do it 1 meal at a time and 1 workout at a time then anyone can! So thanks for letting me share and I hope this helps someone else get started :)


  • snowybone
    snowybone Posts: 12 Member
    Hi KristinMarie, great to hear the positive progress! It must be really hard having an athletic background and not being able to jump right back where you were! I think small steps are great for building momentum and really useful, especially for me as I've had an all-or-nothing mindset in the past. Keep up the small wins!
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    Congratulations to you! We all must begin, and you did
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Glad to hear it. Thanks for sharing.