Paleo Anyone? (Autoimmune Protocol Diet)

JoyWilhide Posts: 3 Member
edited November 2016 in Introduce Yourself
I have been working at being Paleo for about a year and a half. I started with the Autoimmune Protocol Diet (AIP). This has led to starting a raised bed garden, composting, raising herbs and garlic, brewing kombucha, and fermenting sauerkraut. Wondering if there are any other crazy Paleo people like me in the community. If so, please share your experiences. - Joy W.


  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    Hi! I've been doing the Aip since May. I did another restricted diet before that, but fell off the wagon a few months due to a flare. While I can't tolerate fermented foods right now, I love trying things I have never eaten before (sardines, anyone?). I also have never really cooked before, but now can roast whole chickens and leg of lamb. I still hide liver in meatballs, but I try to make sure to eat it every week. I miss the convenience sometimes, but It's an interesting experience.
  • JoyWilhide
    JoyWilhide Posts: 3 Member
    I also fell off the wagon because I got sick with a cough and couldn't kick it. I lost all my energy. Now I am pretty sure it was another version of my condition affecting my esophagus. I am going to get back on the restricted diet again though as my blood glucose levels were really helped out. For liver I make a pâté that I think is very good. I first sauté some fresh rosemary, thyme and oregano along with minced garlic in olive oil. I set that aside and then cook the liver in the same pan. After the liver is cooked through, I put it and the sautéed herbs and garlic in my Vitamix blender with about a quarter cup of homemade bone broth. I also add salt. I blend until smooth and the eat it with fresh celery sticks. Paleo seems pretty labor intensive. One of the things I started doing was buying frozen fish like pollack, flounder, and salmon fillets. They cook up from frozen in a skillet pretty quickly. I try to always get wild caught. And I buy frozen organic vegetables. It helps to have these on hand.
  • bluebeltwo
    bluebeltwo Posts: 12 Member
    I have been Paleo since Jan 2014 and AIP for all of 2016. I put my autoimmune (SLE) into remission on AIP, and I began Paleo/AIP/Keto on Dec27/16, which is proving to be a challenge! Feel free to add me!