I'm in tears



  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    I couldn't even make it through the 1st phase THE BEGINNERS phase of the 30day shred!! I am so discouraged! I am not discouraged about losing weight, I am discouraged about not being able to do 2 minutes of jumping jacks or jump rope!!!! I just want to crawl under a rock and hide!!!

    How will I ever be able to really start losing weight if I can't even exercise????????? I'm such a loser! And I don't mean that in a good way!

    Sad Sad Memaw

    How did I let myself get this way? I see those people on the biggest loser at 400lb RUNNING on the treadmill and I can't even do jumping jacks?????????/

    HI, I really do not respond to many posts, and I did not read what anyone else wrote to you, but I really wanted to take a second and write you about my experience with this.

    I was not a gym person. I was a not an active person at all. I started the dvd out of breathe by the time she said Let's Begin. No lie. I was like....WHAT! Let's begin, I am pooped. I STILL have a hard time with it, but it does get easier. You are moving, and that is what is important. I modified things so I could do them. When I could not keep up, I jogged in place just to keep my heart rate up. I started this dvd in Sept. I still am not able to do Level 3, and I am ok with that. Since Jan of last year, I have lost 83 lbs, most of that here on mfp. My ticker shows what I have lost here and what I still need to lose. Believe me, I was there. I stood in front of my dvd not being able to catch up. It gets easier, I promise you.

    I did it. It took me awhile, but I did it. And now, I love it. I can do it, You can do it. I have been where you are. I still have a ways to go....we can do this.:flowerforyou:

    I could NOT agree more. Emi is right.

    NO fitness program worth anything is going to be easy when you first start out. What seperates the winners from the losers is the mere fact that WINNERS keep going!!

    Keep it up memaw!

    I am a cardio doing/weight lifting fiend and even I struggled the first time I did this Shred DVD. By day 5....there was no stopping me.

    Our bodies are extremely resilient and adapt very quickly to this sort of thing.

    Keep your chin up....dig in those heels...and push through it. You will be proud of yourself and pleasantly surprised at what you are actually capable of.:flowerforyou:
  • PurdyMommy
    PurdyMommy Posts: 378 Member
    Jump and jacks and jumping rope isnt easy! I have lost almost 50pounds and running, jump and jacks and jumping rope are still hard on me!

  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I think I have one of those videos. I will look tonight when I get home.

    Thank you!!!!
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Please tell me you are not going to give up on the Shred, memaw.:frown:

    People do not give themselves credit for what they are capable of actually doing.

    Seeing that this workout is actually what is bringing you down, I can't help but think that if you give it just a FEW more tries, you will have felt like you have tried and gave it your all. I think...if we look deep within ourselves....we have more strength than we realize. What an accomplishment that will be when you stick to it and conquer it.

    That not only gets your body in shape.....but your mind in shape too.
  • Nlongenecker
    Please don't feel so bad. I would think of myself as middle of the road when it comes to exercise ability and I struggled with that one. I made it through but I had to take a couple of breaks and was sweating more than ever before and man was I sore!

    Just do things to work up to that. Maybe on your own try doing half the jumping jacks or rope. Or do videos that gradually work you up to that point. I have to tell you, I've learned a lot about myself this week. I did the 1st day of the Couch to 5k running (or jogging for me) program. I did 30 min of alternating between jogging 1 min and walking 1.5 min. It was really hard and I was in pain, but I did it. And last night I rode my bike for the first time in about 9-12 mo. And held it at 11.5 mph. I pushed myself and learned what I could do. But I also know I have limitations still and I have to keep my expectations realistic. You can do it, just make it a goal to work towards:smile:
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I did the 1st day of the Couch to 5k running (or jogging for me) program. I

    What is this?
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Please tell me you are not going to give up on the Shred, memaw.:frown:

    That not only gets your body in shape.....but your mind in shape too.

    I'm not totally gonna give it up. I am just going to alternate until I can work my way up to it. I love Jillian MIchaels and really want to be able to "hang in there" with her! I'm just afraid if I try it again today I will get even more discouraged. I am determined to get through it but I think I need to work my way up to it!

    Thanks for the concern!
  • Nlongenecker
    I did the 1st day of the Couch to 5k running (or jogging for me) program. I

    What is this?

    You can find it on www.coolrunning.com. Its for people who aren't runners but would like to start. You're supposed to be able to run a 5K in two months from starting. I'm not running/jogging as fast as I think they expect you to. But I'm working towards it at my pace.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Step back from the jumping jacks. My DD's do not like jumping jacks.:laugh:

    In the biggest loser there is a modified jumping - a kind of plie squat while you are moving your arms instead of the jumping.
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    I couldn't even make it through the 1st phase THE BEGINNERS phase of the 30day shred!! I am so discouraged! I am not discouraged about losing weight, I am discouraged about not being able to do 2 minutes of jumping jacks or jump rope!!!! I just want to crawl under a rock and hide!!!

    How will I ever be able to really start losing weight if I can't even exercise????????? I'm such a loser! And I don't mean that in a good way!

    Sad Sad Memaw

    How did I let myself get this way? I see those people on the biggest loser at 400lb RUNNING on the treadmill and I can't even do jumping jacks?????????/

    Dont be sad I couldnt even make it 10mins..Then I couldnt walk for 3 days n stop cryin form the pain..We can do this..Each day will get easier..Just do what u can then and keep goin fi u think u can thats what I'm gonna do..:flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I started by walking to the stop sign and back. I did one half assed push up. I did 10 mini crunches.

    None of us started out here running marathons, but some of us are running them now!!!

    One step at a time.

    Book mark this page and come back in a month! That is what I did with the pushups! 3 x 10 now every other night!!

    It WILL get better:flowerforyou:
  • OntheSand
    OntheSand Posts: 119
    You have no idea how much I can relate to you! I have no motivation to come home and work out or get up early to work out because it is so difficult for me, but know one thing! You can do this!!! You will beat this! Just do what you can for now... you'll be surprised to see yourself conquer that DVD in a few weeks time! Stamina isn't a given - it's built and created over time! Keep working on it and you will be a kick *kitten* Meemaw! :)
  • PurdyMommy
    PurdyMommy Posts: 378 Member
    How are things going?
  • yooperme
    yooperme Posts: 18 Member
    HOW CAN U BE IN TEARS WHEN U LOST 8 #....That's more than I did......Everyone has bad days or two to three, hang in there. I always figure a new day is right around the corner. I totally blew it this weekend. Two parties on 2 different days, so I can relate. Well, today is monday and I will get back on track. Try walking instead of jumping jacks......my sister in law walks every day, I sometimes dispise her.......LOL; but she really has been losing the weight. Try walking. I always have parked my vehicle at the far end of a shopping mall to get a bit more exercise.....try little things and soon they will help. Pick up your chin, wipe them tears and go on........YOU CAN DO IT.
  • goochinator
    goochinator Posts: 383 Member
    Hunny, dont despair!!! :flowerforyou: I've SO been where you are!!

    When I first started at my gym, i saw the elliptical and thought it looked like fun. I was bored of the treadmill and I noticed a woman much larger than me kicking butt on it. So of course I thought I can do that!! WRONG.

    I believe I lasted about THREE minutes on the ellitpical that first time. I thought I was going to DIE.
    I too was headed to tears, how can a much larger woman do it and not me?? :sad: :sad: :sad:

    I read somewhere that people have to start with like 3 minutes, then 5, then 8, then 10....and so on.
    I worked my way up to ONE HOUR eventually...there's NOTHING wrong with you, your motivation, health, drive...whatever. These things take time!!!

    Remember, even Lance Armstrong once couldnt ride a bike!!
  • PurdyMommy
    PurdyMommy Posts: 378 Member
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    You know who get's me totally motivated to work out? Denise Austin! She has a 1/2 hour work out every weekday at 7am. I record it on my DVR, and do the workout when it's convienient for me (even if it's only a couple of times a week). She has SUCH a way of making you feel good about yourself.... SO MOTIVATING! Plus, she always films at exotic locations, so you feel like you're on the beach working out with her.... Just don't think about bathing suits and you'll be fine, LOL!

    I feel your pain, but getting down on yourself won't help a bit! Think of all the positive things you do/you like.... All the things you DO like about youself. Keep saying those 'little' things that you like to yourself... Pretty soon they'll be BIG things, and you'll feel better about yourself in no time!!!
    (I was looking at your pictures you have posted....)
    1. You have beautiful big eyes.
    2. LOVE your hair!
    3. Cute button nose.
    4. WICKED cute kids!!
    5. Nice clear complexion!
    ........ Go ahead, I'm sure you can come up with more!