Anything It Takes

I am trying this as a last resort. I have struggle to loose weight and even tossed the idea around of adopting an eating disorder to make it happen. I am truly that desperate. I am a 28 year old female from Wisconsin, 2 kids, weigh more now than I did when I gave birth to either of my boys. Feeling very very down and out and dont know where else to turn.


  • htebaram
    htebaram Posts: 120 Member
    Well, you came to the right site! Mfp is a wonderful way to manage your weight. There are thousands of "loser" here to help you through the rough spots and give you encouragement. Good luck and I would love to friend you and we can get going together!:flowerforyou:
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    You've come to the right place! Follow MFP's suggestions for diet and exercise, make a few friends and post on here for advice, support and companionship and you're guaranteed to lose the weight you want!
  • kaaatielove
    kaaatielove Posts: 248 Member
    Welcome Becky!! you will find tons of support here! goodluck with your journey! :)
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Well...I'll support you in being HEALTHY, but seriously - NOT at becoming eating disordered. I've been there and it sucks. Being thin is NOT worth doing horrible, unhealthy, scary things to yourself.

    Eating healthy and exercising works. It really does. It takes some adjusting to get into it because it truly is a different lifestyle, but it can happen. There are SO many people here who will help you, support you, motivate you, cheer you on, keep you going when things get rough.

    If you're still considering an eating disorder...I beg you (really, really!) please talk to someone about this. I would be willing to bet that something else is going on that you need some support with. A lot of times, eating disorders are symptoms of depression, feelings of not having control over anything else, etc.

    Please take really good care of yourself. Friend me if you'd like to. (I'm also from WI. :smile: )
  • Alishaa18
    Alishaa18 Posts: 21
    Take advantage of everything on the site!!..There is so much good advice out there in the forums and blogs. It's been great for me to stay accountable and the support is tremendous!!!..Good luck :)
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Welcome to MFP and good luck to you on your journey :)
  • tikitanna
    tikitanna Posts: 15 Member
    Hey :)
    You came to the right place! You will find tons of people in the same boat, and you will find yourself surrounded by great people cheering you on! Good luck with your journey :) Feel free to add me as a friend and we'll walk the path together!
  • fmbarbuto
    fmbarbuto Posts: 131 Member
    Welcome to MFP! This is a great site and these boards have so much to offer! I'm happy to join you on your journey! Feel free to friend me!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Sklug22
    Sklug22 Posts: 19
    You can do this!! It takes commitment and holding yourself accountable! The great community on here can help you on both good & bad days!!
  • beckywilkeherbst
    beckywilkeherbst Posts: 140 Member
    I have been on and off so many diets and nothing lasts longer than a month. This time, I cant give up, I need to push forward and I need to do what it takes it get rid of this monstrosity. I cant be this large, I cant continue to go to the grocery store or the pharmacy or anything else and have people ask daily when I am due or if I know what I am having or other comments to that nature. I just absolutly cannot do it anymore. I am defeated.
    I am at the point where I am going to stay within the suggested calories, I am not going to go over, I wont let myself even if that means I feel hungry.
    When I mentioned an eating disorder, the though process was that I want it gone quick and maybe that would be quicker. Or, if I continue to not let myself eat when I feel hungry, well then maybe eventually i just wont feel hungry or I just wont need to eat.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    You can try spreading your meals apart so you don't become hungry. It's also possible you aren't eating enough calories if you're always hungry. I would start by talking to your doctor and see what s/he recommends. They (along with all of us) don't want this to be a 'diet' should be a lifestyle change. While losing weight is definitely a plus, the ultimate goal should be to become healthy. Best of luck!