Gastric Sleeve

Hello! I am new to myfitnesspal! I have had the gastric sleeve about 5 months ago just wondering if anyone else uses this app and how may calories, carbs, protein..etc. you set for yourself..thanks in advance for any help!


  • AlabamaMomOfOne
    AlabamaMomOfOne Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I'm a sleever too ... as of about 8 days ago. I'm still on liquids, so my caloric requirements are obviously not normal.
  • carlav60
    carlav60 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 2 years out and have used myfitnesspal off and on. My doctor told me to stick to a 1200 calorie plan, so that's what I have set up. I try to eat around 80 to 90 grams of protein a day and limit carbs. I lost 75 lbs within about 4 months, but I have recently gained by 20, so I starting using this app again to get myself under control. Good luck to you!!
  • 19nov82
    19nov82 Posts: 6 Member
    sleeved too, looking for support and advice, would love to be friends with anyone who knows how this works or is trying to figure it out like I am~
  • baydensmom32
    baydensmom32 Posts: 1 Member
    I was sleeved Aug 3, 2016. Always looking for support and advice on this journey. I'm now struggling with an extreme lack of energy. Being only around 3 weeks out I'm hearing its pretty normal due to the small amount of calories taken in. I'm staying well hydrated and getting very close to my protein goal every day. Any other advice on ways to build my energy levels?
  • blessedlioness27
    blessedlioness27 Posts: 2 Member
    Sleeved on 7/14 so I'm a little over a month out. Struggling with my protein intake. Hopefully this app will help me.
  • RNAmanda83
    RNAmanda83 Posts: 4 Member
    Sleeved 8/22/15. HW 246, Current 168, trying to get myself back on track and lose an additional 30-35 and tone up
  • Ilovegym2016
    Ilovegym2016 Posts: 5 Member
    Sleeved 6/14...
  • koral_bowman
    koral_bowman Posts: 2 Member
    Sleeved 5/16. HW: 293. WL since day of surgery: 73. Current weight: 194. Would like to lose 40 more lbs. Looking for motivation, support, and accountability.
  • ozmayai22
    ozmayai22 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, sleeved 1\20\2016. I've only lost 40lbs since. I'm really frustrated. Hoping to connect with others who are post-sleeve, find some inspiration.
  • ozmayai22
    ozmayai22 Posts: 4 Member
    Im curious how others are getting their protein and if others crave crackers\chips like I do?
  • smont72
    smont72 Posts: 4 Member
    My name is Sue and I got sleeved 12/16/16. I just recently reached my 100 lb mark. I have had to switch doctors recently and the new plan is totally different than i have been used to. Almost crazy from what the other doctor told me. Started using this app about a month and a half ago. Do it religiously. Great way to help plan and track.

    Looking for others like me who are a bit limited. I was told to eat 1200 calories a day but rarely come even somewhat close, unless I over eat, but then Ii hurt so I try not to do that. Somewhat limited on exercise because of back issues along with Achilles tendon issues.

    Just looking to connect with others.
  • smont72
    smont72 Posts: 4 Member
    Ozmaiya - I Do crave that crunch factor. I found some cheers crisps at Costco that really got the bill. A serving is 6 crackers and i believe there is 1 protein and only 1 carb per cracker.
  • LadyLauraAnne
    LadyLauraAnne Posts: 8 Member
    klwatts568 wrote: »
    Hello! I am new to myfitnesspal! I have had the gastric sleeve about 5 months ago just wondering if anyone else uses this app and how may calories, carbs, protein..etc. you set for yourself..thanks in advance for any help!

    I had the sleeve done on June 8th. I try and keep my calories under 1200 as much as I can. My surgeon wants me to get between 70 and 80 grams of protein a day so that's what I shoot for. I don't pay as much attention to carbs since I eat so little sugar now but I do try and keep it on the lower side. I look at what the log on this site tells me as a guide as far as sodium, fat, etc.
  • smont72
    smont72 Posts: 4 Member
    I keep below 1200 as that is what the doctor said. I NEVER reach that though. I usually end up about 800 -900. I shoot for 50% protein, 30% fat and 20% carbs because fruit and veg have some carbs too.
  • SinCityMermaid
    SinCityMermaid Posts: 4 Member
    Your calorie needs may vary, but 1000-1200 seems to be the sweet spot for most people. I shoot for 90+ grams of protein a day, and under 45g of carbs. I don't count fat grams, I just avoid anything hydrogenated. My nutritionist said to avoid all sugar like the plague, (including fruit) as it will only slow you down. I'm recommitting to my program today, as I've slipped further off track than I'd like.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Bypass here, more than two years out. My assigned dietitian gave me a protein goal so that is what I watch.

    Everyone I talk to who has had one surgery or another, list different intolerances. Mine are soft breads and cereal with milk. So I toast my bread. Oatmeal with Greek yogurt suits me just fine.
  • mcoby88
    mcoby88 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone, new to site, had sleeve surgery 9/22/16 - hope everyone is doing well!
  • staff052509
    staff052509 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all- I'm new here and going to follow this thread. I'm going to get sleeved in 2 days!
  • smont72
    smont72 Posts: 4 Member
    How did everyone handle the holidays? This was my first real holiday since the surgery. Fell of plan a bit, but not too bad. think I need to detox from sugar again.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Here's hoping @staff052509 came out of surgery OK. @smont72 I came through the holidays just fine. I'm maintaining my weight loss and that makes me happy.