Couvh to 5 K

I jsut started the couch to 5 k this week, skipping week one, as I was able to jump right into week 2. I know it only plans on 3 days a week, but I feel like I would like to do more, at least 1 more day.
Has anyone else every done this? DO you just follow what is suggest for that week adding in another day, or do you just stick to the 3 day plan?
And advise is helpful :)


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    DO you run regularly? Cause i did a run a few weeks back intending to start this program and it crippled me fro a week, I pulled both sides of my groin lol i need to get back on it.
  • OneFitMom_
    OneFitMom_ Posts: 151 Member
    I actually do the C25K 6 days a week.
  • ixsaraxi
    ixsaraxi Posts: 19
    I started with week 1 even though I could have skipped to week 2 or 3, and I do it every day, so I am on week 2 right now and I just keep repeating it until sunday when I switch to week 3, so far I have lost 7.4 lbs in a week between that and eating right with 20 mins of 30 day shred or zumba :)
  • kdet07
    kdet07 Posts: 117
    do it slow and steady! the first few are supposed to be easy. make sure you're not running to far or too fast, that's how you'll get hurt. You can move up next week, and you'll be doing 20 minute runs in no time. :)

    I should also comment that I do run on the "off days" ;)
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    It is a flexible program and you can actually do it how ever you please. I've known people to repeat weeks, my wife was one of them, and others who finished it and did the whole program again. For me, I got through it 3 days a week in 9 weeks, but that is what worked for me.
  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    On about to start W2D1 today... my game plan is to do it for 6 days pending i dont injury myself. PS - I'm not a runner. I tried doing a 1.5 minutes jog and that was tough. I've come to realize it may take a little longer than 9 weeks to jog 30 minutes total!
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    Be careful if you're not used to running. The program is designed to ease you up into it... most of us could skip week 1 but perhaps that isn't prudent. I started and am on Week 2, Week 1 is so easy that I did one session and the next two sessions I repeated it back to back same for the first session of week 2... Yesterday I went out and did week 3 because week 2 was so easy and now all my muscles hurt because of not enough rest. Follow the program the way it is intended is my advice.
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Of course everyone is different, but the general consensus is when you're on the C25K program, leave at least one day in between runs to give your body a chance to adjust and to prevent injury. While you may want to run everyday back-to-back, while on the program, that is not recommended. (It's difficult, though, I know - running can easily become addictive!) The program eases you into it, and helps you make the transitions from week to week - don't rush it. Overdoing it will be counterproductive. If you do it the way it's recommended, it really does work!

    On your 'in between days' it's suggested that you try something different other than running - biking, or any other activity.

    A really helpful place to start and get support on your progress is at the C25K forum:
    A great bunch there who know the plan well and can answer your questions!