Has anyone tried SlimQuick?

susanabrooks83 Posts: 13
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
I recently read a few good reviews about slimquick and decided to give it a try. I started it today. Has anyone tried this? I never thought I would resort to "diet pills" but I'm starting to get discouraged.


  • I recently read a few good reviews about slimquick and decided to give it a try. I started it today. Has anyone tried this? I never thought I would resort to "diet pills" but I'm starting to get discouraged.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I recently read a few good reviews about slimquick and decided to give it a try. I started it today. Has anyone tried this? I never thought I would resort to "diet pills" but I'm starting to get discouraged.

    Have you tried eating healthy foods, drinking lots of water, excercise, continuing to post on here..perhaps go with 5-6 mini meals a day to spread out your meals and keep the metabolism boosted and the blood sugar leveled out throughout the day?

    I say better to lose in a healthier way than go with drugs or a diet product and gain it all back as soon as you go off the product. Talk about discouraging!:noway:

    That's just what's been working for myself and many others on here:flowerforyou:

    I do hope you reconsider:flowerforyou: ...and no I've never heard of the product you mention.:noway:

  • Just the same "SlimQuick" bothers me mostly because I now realize I didn't get fat quick, so how can I expect to get skinny quick?
  • PurdyMommy
    PurdyMommy Posts: 378 Member
    I tryed the slim quick packets you add to water. I DID NOT LOOSE ANYTHING WITH 1 BOX!

    I am a firm beliver just eating healthy, drinking water and exericise and that willdo the trick.

  • WendiMac2Be
    WendiMac2Be Posts: 15 Member
    I do use SlimQuick, only as a supplement to my healthy eating, exercise, and plenty of water I get evry day. I have read reviews of people experiencing nausea, etc., once they hit the 2nd week, which requires you to up your dosage. I have just stuck to the first week dosage (2 pills a day, one in the morning and one mid-afternoon), and do one week on/one week off. I don't know if it's helped at all in the long run, but I feel like i have more energy the weeks I do use it.

    Careful not to take pills too late though, or you will be UP allllll night!

    Good luck!:happy:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Just the same "SlimQuick" bothers me mostly because I now realize I didn't get fat quick, so how can I expect to get skinny quick?
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    I have been taking it on and off for about a year. I did not magically lose weight, nor do I expect too... but I do notice that I have a lot more energy and do not find myself mindlessly eating in the afternoon. All in all I get the results that I was looking for. As long as you view it as an energy supplement to your new healthy eating I don't think that there is anything wrong with it.
  • I did try SlimQuick. It was okay and I did lose weight, but I didn't like they way it made me feel. I have since changed my eating and excersize habits and eating habits. That combined with the Alli I've been taking works much better for me. Good luck to you, though!
  • Unfortunately I did get fat quick... real quick, like 30 pounds in less than a year. :mad: I've been working with a personal trainer and a nutritionist. I took a test with the nutritionist to test my metabolic rate and then she developed an eating plan and exercise plan for me. I followed it exactly and ended up gaining 5 more pounds. I had my body fat % tested and that went up as well. I visited with my doctor and had my thyroid and cholesterol checked and they were both normal. So, I went back to my nutritionist and she suggested slim quick. It's basically just a suplement with vitamins, minerals, herbs, etc. It has given me a lot of energy, that's for sure, and I don't feel as hungry during the day. I hope it helps me.
  • I take Slimquick extreme evey day mainly for energy (it has a ton of caffine). I dont think it necessarily helps with losing but it gives me a boost since I quit my Fatty Starbucks habit. I can only take one pill in the morning because if I took more than that I would feel too jittery. I like the way the pills tast (like a cherry flavor).
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