When did you start committing to a healthier you?

I've started and stopped my weight loss journey so many times over the past few years. Each time I start I'm motivated for only a week or so and then something goes wrong and I'm back to my old habits. In the meantime I've gained 15 more lbs this year and I'm so mad at myself. Has anyone else gone through this and when did you really start being healthier? What was your point of no return?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I actually stopped "committing to a healthier me" - and just started eating better - enough of everything but not too much of anything. Removed trigger foods, removed the guilt, started to plan my meals, started to cook real meals from real foods, and started to enjoy my own food. I stopped trying to "exercise", and instead embrace normal every day activity - walking more, dancing - and some simple body weight moves whenever I feel like it.

    This finally stopped the stupid losing and gaining cycles. I've maintained a healthy weight for two years now.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,304 Member
    I've been on here for years..on and off.. and this time I feel I'm actually going to make the change. I've logged in for 80 days.. it all started with joining planet fitness.

    I've noted my mindset at certain points.. it was day 25 when I told myself I have to focus on just being healthy. Why? Because I felt so weak and bad during my workouts. I never felt that way in years past and it alarmed me.

    So, now I look at food as fuel.. i eat for nutrition .. i have olive oil.. avocado.. green leafy salads all the time. I think beyond vanity and more about my internal health and it seems to be more motivating than just hating the fat on my stomach.

    I also decided not to count calories any longer or weigh myself for now. I took before photos and updated them last week and I am making progress.. I'd say I have half more to go. I went down a size on day 50.. and I hope by day 125 I'll have most of the weight that's been weighing my down off and be working on vanity weight at that point.

    I'm also ..hate to say it. I am middle aged... and it is practical to start thinking more about your health than anything else.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    It's been a few years now-2011, 2012? Since then I've lost around 50lbs and have been in maintenance for a few years :)
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    I lost the weight many years ago and kept it off for years but then I got married and responsibilities changed. I spent less time being active and more time working. Baked chicken for dinner was met with "I want nachos" or "why don't we just grab Taco Bell" and the weight started coming back. Then, I started being more active which helped but a case of plantar fasciitis sidelined me for about a year and the weight jumped up again. I started working out of town and eating at man camp and of course, what did I do to cheer myself about being away from home and my beautiful wife? Yep, hit the buffet. After seeing 328 pounds on the scale I made a few changes and, at least, stopped gaining weight but I felt defeated and hopeless and didn't really commit to losing the weight. Then, on July 12, I decided enough was enough and I was gonna do whatever it took to lose the weight and get back in shape. That was now 75 pounds ago and my only regret is not doing it sooner.
  • lindsaykristina11
    lindsaykristina11 Posts: 62 Member
    You took the words out of my mouth! I am in the exact same boat, and I am still struggling with it. Add me and hopefully we can help each other out!
    I recently made a challenge in the forums "6 week New Years challenge" hoping it will help motivate me. Feel free to join! It could be a good push in the right direction :)
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    About 12 years ago...I've had a variety approaches and haven't been "perfect" for all 12 years, but I'd say for the most part, eating healthy food and exercising has been a top priority for me since I lost the baby weight after my first child was born...I had become a "gym rat" with a weight loss goal and after that, it became a way of life.
  • PoisonDartFrog
    PoisonDartFrog Posts: 220 Member
    edited November 2016
    I have started and re-started so many times....the latest was about a month ago, 23Oct16. This time, I am going about it from a different direction. The weight loss is great, but not my primary goal. My primary goal is to be more active and have a more balanced life (clear work/life balance ...not let work stress get to me....). I have no off limit foods, (yes I had candy on Halloween, and still eat eggs benedict every sunday for brunch), I just balance those with more moderate choices the rest of the week. I give up what doesn't matter (easy fast food lunches) and keep what I really enjoy. My husband is super supportive (actually loves that I cook more now). The dogs get at least 1 walk a day - sometimes two. I have lost almost 18 lbs.
  • vmbourg
    vmbourg Posts: 125 Member
    In 2012/2013 , I lost 80lbs using my fitness pal. I started running and was smallest I have ever been (130lbs). I got a leg injury and returned to old habits and found myself and 180lbs. I started again and was at 160lbs.... then I got pregnant (which was and blessing, I had tried for over three years), but pregnancy was high risk, I had to have surgery and was on bed rest. After delivery I was 195lbs. Here I am again, struggled for months.. but 60 days ago I told myself I just need to do it. I got a trainer to learn strength exercises and quit running. I am now 178lbs. I'm motivated and I can do this. I use my lunch break to workout and I track my calories.
  • bodonito
    bodonito Posts: 6 Member
    edited November 2016
    I had a couple of attempts in the past, where I'd go on a "diet" because I wanted to be skinny, suffer horribly, don't get many results and give up after two or three weeks.

    This time, the motive behind the changes was very different: on one hand, I lost my job and couldn't afford therapy anymore, so I thought that at least I'd try to battle my depression with good nutrition and exercise. On the other hand, I later got a very low-paying job collecting donations for a non-profit on the street; I was on my feet all day long and any food I packed had to be simple and easy to carry and preserve, so I started having salads and fruit for lunch.

    Without really realizing it, my habits changed. I feel like I'm cheating the system, because I didn't suffer like before and I'm seeing results for the first time. Now I got a better job (where I can keep my food in a fridge!) but I'm still packing nutritious lunches and snacks without a second thought, because that's just what I do. And my depression bouts are fewer and further between.