Do you pre-log?



  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I'm the queen of pre-logging. Sometimes two weeks in advance. Then I can check macros and nutrients and make sure I'm within limits and hitting targets. Sometimes I will end up making minor changes to my day, but it helps me stay on track seeing my plan in advance.
  • MsAmandaNJ
    MsAmandaNJ Posts: 1,248 Member
    Ploofs wrote: »
    I like to pre-log the things I would like to absolutely include into the day! :)

    Like red wine o:)

    my evening bowl of fruit loops ;)
    Ha! If only nighttime cereal counted as breakfast ;-)
  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 358 Member
    edited November 2016
    bkbirge wrote: »
    I usually pre-log the rest of the day after breakfast in the morning, helps me plan out the day and stay on track for macros. I do keep it fluid and switch things in and out at the last minute, but seeing the whole day planned helps keep the individual meals portion controlled instead of going hog wild on one meal and having to starve for the next one.

    That's a great point about the switching things in and out. I've heard other's ask how can they pre log and then change things... I never understood that. On Sunday I pre log my week. But I weigh everything the day or night before. I know some people that make all of their food on Sunday for the week but I have no clue how they fit all of that in their fridge!!!
    For example, I made the plan on Sunday to have chicken and veggies for lunch today and I knew it would be bland so I wanted bbq sauce. I pre logged something like 250g of chicken and 105 grams of broccoli/cauliflower and 1tbs of bbq sauce. This morning when I got hom, I weighed the precooked chicken in the fridge I had leftover from Saturday and it weighed 320grams. So I adjusted the diary accordingly. I removed the 100g of chicken I planned for dinner because my chicken at lunch was so much more. Then I decided to only have about 85g of broccoli/cauliflower and I weighed the 8grams of bbq sauce and went on my way. For dinner when I get home, I will weigh the ground turkey and shrimp and try to keep it as close as I can to the original logged entry weight since that's technically my last meal of the day and I can't really adjust anymore. It's really a lot of fun once you get the hang of it but maybe that's my Type A personality. I like structure.
  • MsAmandaNJ
    MsAmandaNJ Posts: 1,248 Member
    Wow...I thought doing it for the day was big, but some of you are doing it for a week+. Good for you! I can see how it makes shopping and planning much easier, get it done and over with.

    Those of you who mentioned a "plan", that's certainly what's been missing for me.
  • cocates
    cocates Posts: 360 Member
    I pre-log as often as possible. For me, it's pretty easy to pre-log breakfast, lunch, and snacks but sometimes, dinner can be up in the air (or I haven't compiled it from the recipe builder). It takes away the worry over what I'll be able to eat or not having enough calories. Sometimes, I pre-log for an entire work week. I do go back and tweak it (if I eat less or a double serving) but that's a lot easier then adding everything after I've eaten it.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    tri_gal_87 wrote: »
    bkbirge wrote: »
    I usually pre-log the rest of the day after breakfast in the morning, helps me plan out the day and stay on track for macros. I do keep it fluid and switch things in and out at the last minute, but seeing the whole day planned helps keep the individual meals portion controlled instead of going hog wild on one meal and having to starve for the next one.

    That's a great point about the switching things in and out. I've heard other's ask how can they pre log and then change things... I never understood that. On Sunday I pre log my week. But I weigh everything the day or night before. I know some people that make all of their food on Sunday for the week but I have no clue how they fit all of that in their fridge!!!
    For example, I made the plan on Sunday to have chicken and veggies for lunch today and I knew it would be bland so I wanted bbq sauce. I pre logged something like 250g of chicken and 105 grams of broccoli/cauliflower and 1tbs of bbq sauce. This morning when I got hom, I weighed the precooked chicken in the fridge I had leftover from Saturday and it weighed 320grams. So I adjusted the diary accordingly. I removed the 100g of chicken I planned for dinner because my chicken at lunch was so much more. Then I decided to only have about 85g of broccoli/cauliflower and I weighed the 8grams of bbq sauce and went on my way. For dinner when I get home, I will weigh the ground turkey and shrimp and try to keep it as close as I can to the original logged entry weight since that's technically my last meal of the day and I can't really adjust anymore. It's really a lot of fun once you get the hang of it but maybe that's my Type A personality. I like structure.

    I do this too -- I enter an estimated portion and then I update it with the actual weight the day that I eat it. I
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    MsAmandaNJ wrote: »
    Ploofs wrote: »
    I like to pre-log the things I would like to absolutely include into the day! :)

    Like red wine o:)

    my evening bowl of fruit loops ;)
    Ha! If only nighttime cereal counted as breakfast ;-)

    if i work out in the am, then I do it fasted - so it helps (plus I found that i've been sleeping better when I add this in) - its literally right before bed (I sit and eat it as i'm reading at night
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    I always prelog. Sometimes just a meal, sometimes a day. Never more than a day ahead. I don't think I can eat without logging in up front. That has bothered me somewhat.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Yes! I've always prelogged unless I'm traveling. Its worked really well. If I eat more, or less, than I logged I make the appropriate changes at the end of the day. The prelogging has saved me a lot of anxiety I used to have about what to eat to get to certain number of calories. I don't think I could have had the same success without it tbh. Maybe because it keeps me accountable?
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    It's not for me, but I'm the type of person who plans on eating one thing for lunch or dinner and then I change my mind.

    I also sometimes don't eat all my food. If I'm full I don't believe in forcing it. For example, this morning I had cereal, a piece of fruit, and yogurt planned for breakfast. I didn't finish all my cereal because I was full so I didn't eat my yogurt. And it's also been the case where I plan to eat one thing but I'm still hungry so I eat something else.

  • FernRunner
    FernRunner Posts: 79 Member
    bkbirge wrote: »
    I usually pre-log the rest of the day after breakfast in the morning, helps me plan out the day and stay on track for macros. I do keep it fluid and switch things in and out at the last minute, but seeing the whole day planned helps keep the individual meals portion controlled instead of going hog wild on one meal and having to starve for the next one.

    Same here.
  • sisxena
    sisxena Posts: 47 Member
    I like pre logging, makes me feel more empowered during the day.
    Of course I pre pack everything too.
    But sometimes, I too don't get to eat everything I planned.
    Because at times the plans are bigger then the stomach :wink:
    And then MFP tells you, you ate to little for that day :smile:
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    I always pre-log and I think overall it works better for me to do this. I like planning; I eat a lot of the same foods everyday and I don't change a whole lot other than dinners. BUT I sometimes find myself eating something solely because I logged it, like maybe I don't eat as intuitively as I should.
  • Binotaur
    Binotaur Posts: 4 Member
    I like the idea of pre-logging. I am going to try it out myself. :)
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    MsAmandaNJ wrote: »
    Just today, I decided to pre-log, see how it goes. So far, I'm liking it; seeing everything I will have eaten by the end of the day feels right. Seems like a lot more food than when I log after I've eaten, yet well within my calorie goal...still have 500 cals available. I feel like I obsess over what I'm eating (or have eaten) and pre-logging takes that away since it's already logged. How do you feel about pre-logging?

    I always pre-log. Currently, I have up until Friday of this week logged. I may stray a little bit since I'm eating out Wednesday and Thanksgiving is Thursday so those are just estimates but it's still better than going in blind.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I used to prelog when I first started. I don't any more, but I do have a plan in my head, every morning, of what I'm going to eat each day and what my activity level is going to be and a ballpark idea of what my calorie consumption will be. Sometimes, I'll make a last minute substitution of one item of similar calories for another if the mood strikes me.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I pre-log every morning, and the first thing I put in is....the evening's dessert. Then, I work backward so that I can "afford" the dessert calories...

    hahaha I like the way you think!
  • MsAmandaNJ
    MsAmandaNJ Posts: 1,248 Member
    I pre-log every morning, and the first thing I put in is....the evening's dessert. Then, I work backward so that I can "afford" the dessert calories...

    Be true to yourself :-) super awesome!
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    I pre-log but I only do it immediately before eating. That gives me spontaneity (structure feels too much like a diet to me) while allowing me to adjust the calories/macros before I've consumed rather than after.