What gives you motivation?



  • gigiangelique
    gigiangelique Posts: 233 Member
    Every *kitten* I dated . Nothing beats a revenge body lol
  • BethWilliams24
    BethWilliams24 Posts: 175 Member
    Every *kitten* I dated . Nothing beats a revenge body lol

    I have that as motivation too - I saw a great quote once "do it for the holy s**t, you got hot". But I also work out with the guy I like now in mind - he's my other motivation now that the mornings are icy!
  • Gamerchick00
    Gamerchick00 Posts: 25 Member
    Seeing relatives eating horribly and watching their health decline.
  • mistlechild
    mistlechild Posts: 9 Member
    A friend recently visited me on my birthday (over the weekend) and revealed she'd lost about 27 lb since the last time I saw her in September. It was a kick in the pants reminder that time moves forward regardless and that I was doing pretty well this year, too!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    I gave all my old clothes to charity and I don't want them back
    I like not being out of breath all the time
    More choice of nicer clothes when shopping
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Avoiding diabetes or delaying it as much as possible. This has been the single most potent driver for my weight loss.
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    To be honest sometimes I'm not motivated, but I take a hard look at what my life was like when I wasn't trying each day to be active and eat smaller amounts. That usually snaps me out of it.
  • kristikitter
    kristikitter Posts: 602 Member
    At the moment, one of my main motivations is that I'm in a play in Jan and would like my costume to be a little more fluid on my stomach and hips.
  • chandraminick
    chandraminick Posts: 452 Member
    OMG! Have you ever tried to date online even after losing a bunch of weight. It is brutal! Especially with the profile pictures. There's my motivation. To look better so the better looking guys are more easily accessible. Life's no fun without a long term relationship, and no one wants to meet a fatty! I'll be a former fatty in another four months, and then find my next sweet heart. That's my goal.
  • spread7
    spread7 Posts: 75 Member
    knowing am.bettering my self every day and am not your avrage joe
  • Pathman1
    Pathman1 Posts: 52 Member
    My motivation is my alarm clock. It goes off and then I'm sitting there thinking I really should work out. I'm also a single guy and like being in shape because it's not fair to expect fitness from a woman if I'm not taking care of myself.
  • bonshont
    bonshont Posts: 20 Member
    I am getting married in November 2017. I have gained a lot of weight due to bad diet and being lazy, using stress at work as my excuse not to exercise. I have just started a new regime and hope to lose another 27 pounds by my wedding
  • WW1984
    WW1984 Posts: 145 Member
    What motivates me is seeing my clothes fit looser. Watching myself go from a size 8 to a size 6. Observing the change in my face as my double chin disappears and my jawline becomes more pronounced. To see my arms and thighs slim down in size. This is what TRULY motivates me. It's a slow and long process but well worth it! :-)