This a serious issue this time



  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    edited November 2016
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    I think anyone has the right to like or be attracted to who or what they want. I don't really like blondes, or very overweight men. So what?

    This' concerning prejudice, not preference! If you wouldn't insult an overweight and/or blond man, even though you aren't attracted to him; then you aren't prejudice!
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    I think anyone has the right to like or be attracted to who or what they want. I don't really like blondes, or very overweight men. So what?

    This' concerning prejudice, not preference! If you wouldn't insult an overweight and/or blond man, even though you aren't attracted to him; then you aren't prejudice!

    Oh yeah, of course not. I've even dated blonde men and I could probably fall for anyone. Just an initial preference.
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    I think anyone has the right to like or be attracted to who or what they want. I don't really like blondes, or very overweight men. So what?

    This' concerning prejudice, not preference! If you wouldn't insult an overweight and/or blond man, even though you aren't attracted to him; then you aren't prejudice!

    Oh yeah, of course not. I've even dated blonde men and I could probably fall for anyone. Just an initial preference.

    I understand!
  • badgerface1k
    badgerface1k Posts: 125 Member
    I will be the first one to tell u how great it feels to be in good physical condition after being obese and I would suggest others in my situation do the same. Anyone can do it if they keep trying. There is such a thing as a healthy obese person but that is not helpful to know
    because the person may be ok now but they will be at risk of way more heath problems later in life that they probably wouldn't have had if they were healthy, and that will reduce your quality of life status down to zero.
  • Taylor076097
    Taylor076097 Posts: 265 Member
    James gandolfini <3
  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    km8907 wrote: »
    km8907 wrote: »
    km8907 wrote: »
    Tbf, that's how I weed out asshats. If a guy feels so embarrassed to be with a fat woman just because she's fat, then he's not the kind of guy I want to be with anyways. Separates the men from the boys.
    I have a former coworker and friend who felt forced to dump his overweight girlfriend because his circle of friends made fun of him and made him feel like crap. He once texted me and was in tears.... man I miss her and I think I love her what do I do. I was like what the fudge....

    If he cared about what his friends thought of his girlfriend more than he cared about being with his girlfriend, then he didn't love her.
    I think he did. He was spineless and was ashamed.

    Besides some of the people who bullied him were women. He was allegedly asked.... I can't believe you are dating her something like that...

    And if you love someone you shut those b****** down and be with who you want to be with.
    Yeah but it's too common. I recently read an article where it said celeb men in Hollywood have secret overweight girlfriends whom they adore and love but won't publicly take them into the red carpet to avoid fat scrutiny and shaming.... the tabloids will go crazy. I recently went through an article which said "hot celebrities with ugly spouses". One was Pierce Brosnan and his wife looked just fine.... she was a little chunky.

    It's the same attitude that pervades. In NYC, if you are hanging out with a chunky girl.... you are either undateable, looking for a green card or have erectile issues. And this is what is spoken about among women. It's not the men propagating these stories.

    So...You're a woman?
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    I typed a very long paragraph, but then I just ctrl+a and deleted it. Ima just lurk. Yup.
  • columbus2015
    columbus2015 Posts: 51 Member
    The north American/ European concepts of beauty have gotten way overblown. Travel outside of these areas and you quickly how superficial we are. Most other cultures regard weight no different than height;. Just a static. Likewise moles and skin blemishes.

    Don't even get me going on the obsession that both genders seem to have with breast size...
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    I've seen some pretty awesome women get treated very badly because of their weight.

    I had a college housemate break up with his girlfriend of three years solely because of her weight ( and she wasn't all that heavy). She was crestfallen and although I still liked the guy, I will always remember how cruel it all seemed.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    edited November 2016
    I live in an area where most of the men are HOT. If I judged couples as I see them, or if I judged attached women from among women who were also getting fitted for the Marines Ball, as my sis and I were, then I/we need to put on at least 50 to 70 lbs to be in contention for marriage. Most of the young soon to be brides were at least 200 lbs - sizes 20/24. As we saw it, and we did discuss it at length that it was almost as if, women who are "smaller" are merely for "fun times" and plus sized women are marriagiable. Major blow to your self esteem, especially since we had just lost the weight.

    Another example is a specific male friend whose wife ballooned to around 280 lbs when she'd gotten pregnant. She took up MJ and severe caloric restrictions to lose the weight post partum. She is 118 lbs at 5ft 10 today. He abhors her new weight, stating that she now resembles her tween aged boys. "No curves ... Nada" Her brother agrees with the hubby. My sis and I think she looks gorgeous ... She looked tired and unhappy bigger.

    We women just need to let it go and let it happen. If he likes you, he will let you know, no matter your size. Bigger women get more action, at least in my community. When you're smaller, hit the gym or run, because that will be the only action you'll be seeing.
  • Grey_1
    Grey_1 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Some of the best people I've ever met wouldn't even place in a beauty contest, and some of the worst would. Ignore the haters and jerks and move on.
  • elle_bear_11
    elle_bear_11 Posts: 246 Member
    I grew up in a small town where I was everyone's fat friend..and i was pudgy but never really overweight. But I learned to think i was ,,and developed an eating disorder after some boys made fun of me. I still struggle with my weight a lot..and most people tell you to get over're not fat..but when the image sets at a young stays with you. Choose words wisely no matter where and what situation..and i guess learn to not care what people think..if I had been less self conscious and more confident..i would have been fine...but for whatever reason..I feel girls will always be vulnerable in this aspect ..