Need Some Support

WW1984 Posts: 145 Member
edited November 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there,

Like many others, I feel that I'm in this alone. I get no support from my boyfriend because he thought I was fine looking at 4' 10" & 145 lbs! And of course I have the so-called friends that don't wish to hear your little accomplishments and tell you that you look "emaciated". But I knew better . . . that the extra pounds I'm caring isn't healthy or unattractive.

My former weight was 146 pounds and my current weight is 130.8. My goal is 112 pounds by January 25, 2017, although I may decide to lose just a little more.

I hope to make many friends and could use the support on this lonesome journey. And as your friend, you can count on me for moral support as well.

Much success to you all!


  • Ziggy069
    Ziggy069 Posts: 1 Member
    Keep it up
  • WW1984
    WW1984 Posts: 145 Member
    Thank you so very much for the support! :-)
  • TheProudDadLife
    TheProudDadLife Posts: 654 Member
    feel free to add me , we're all in this together
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,618 Member
    Losing almost 20 lbs in two months is a little ambitious and would require a really steep deficit. You do not have to lose that fast. I would suggest a moderate deficit, coupled with cardio and strength workouts, and adequate protein intake. The idea is to preserve muscle as you lose weight so that you lose a greater percentage of fat.
  • WW1984
    WW1984 Posts: 145 Member
    Thank you so very much for the most informative advice! I've started to incorporate more weights into my regiment. I do 60 minutes of cardio 6 days a week and my diet is 40 carbs, 40 protein, 30 fats.
  • allthatgliitters
    allthatgliitters Posts: 79 Member
    Hiya, i am 5ft 1in and 101lbs ☺
  • BootyShakingBadAss
    BootyShakingBadAss Posts: 350 Member
    Keep it up and forget the haters girl! Feel free to add me!
  • WW1984
    WW1984 Posts: 145 Member
    Thank you "enutdav" for your support! :)
  • Baayly
    Baayly Posts: 4 Member
    I feel you. My sons father thinks i look good at 5'4 180. Don't feel left out. I have no support and Im a stay at home mom which makes things harder. Please add me, i will always be someone to keep you motivated and dedicated to your goals. Stay strong and dont give up.

  • sbrandt37
    sbrandt37 Posts: 403 Member
    edited November 2016
    You are doing great! Keep it up!

    It's nice that your boyfriend liked you as you were, but it is far more important that you are happy with yourself and healthy. If that means losing some weight, then lose some weight.

    Your friends are reacting to how your progress makes THEM feel. Take it as a complement, know that your efforts are showing results, and smile.

    I would be happy to share the journey and some support and encouragement with you. Feel free to add me.
  • WW1984
    WW1984 Posts: 145 Member
    Thank you "Baayly" and "sbrandt37" for your kind words and tremendous support! Consider me as a friend during our LIFESTYLE CHANGE. :)
  • dannybias46
    dannybias46 Posts: 31 Member
    50 protein
    30 carbs
    20 fat
  • Baddogbeanie
    Baddogbeanie Posts: 210 Member
    Friend request sent.. lets journey together
  • Stephanie7297
    Stephanie7297 Posts: 8 Member
    You can add me if you like. I also have little support. My starting weight was 159 to 160. I currently weigh 128, but was 126.4- however I gained some weight back. I'm around 5' 2 1/2".
  • Stephanie7297
    Stephanie7297 Posts: 8 Member
    You're doing great! You can add me if you like. I'm 5' 2 1/2". I was up to 160 lbs at one time. I currently weigh 128 lbs, with which my nutritionist is happy with but I am not. All the way into my 30s I used to weigh 110 or less, however medications & sedentary lifestyle packed on the pounds. I would like to get down to 115 - 110. You can never have too many supportive friends.
  • WW1984
    WW1984 Posts: 145 Member
    Hi Stephanie. I sent you a friend request.

    Like you, I've always been petite (between 107 & 112 lbs) until about 4+ years ago. Stress, making poor meal choices, and lack of exercise caused me to balloon out of control!!! I still hate looking at myself in the mirror but it motivates me to eat CLEAN and exercise regularly so that by next summer, I be able to wear a bikini and feel great about myself again.