I have a problem

I have a problem with eating when I'm stressed about homework. When things pile up I tend to order out and eat all by myself, leaving homework until the last minute. I procrastinate and then feel bad about myself, which causes me to eat more. Formula for my failure = stress eating + procrastination. The cycle never seems to end. I need this to stop. I've gotten so used to this. It's scary.


  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    Well, recognition of your habits is a start, surely? How about making a list and ordering it (homework) and then. If you can, going for a brisk walk at the point of ordering food? Just trying to break the cycle one time could help.
  • Keeks7x
    Keeks7x Posts: 15 Member
    Good on you for noticing :) . I've been in this situation before and know how you feel, assignment and essay stress is a downer. What's working for me is simply making sure the unhealthy foods etc/snacks I don't have in/but angmore. If your living with others I know it is more difficult. It's worth replacing the snacks you have with healthier alternatives, like fruits etc but also getting lower calorie versions of like crisps, popcorn, biscuits etc. Unsure where you are but the weight watchers choc chips are good!
  • sbrandt37
    sbrandt37 Posts: 403 Member
    edited November 2016
    Boy, do I know that story. I did that for far too long, and got pretty fat and unhealthy doing it. It's your choice --- either you prioritize your health or you do not. If you do, make some changes right now. Don't wait. It will not get better on its own.

    I have two suggestions. Both involve planning ahead.

    1. Buy some reasonably healthy foods that you can easily eat when you don't have time to cook. Frozen meals. Greek yogurt. Nuts. Almost anything is better than ordering in.

    2. Plan your time so that you are not doing your homework at the last minute. Schedule time in your calendar to do your homework. Plan to have it done one class meeting before the one where it is due (take it from a long-time student who is now a professor).

    Procrastination is death in this situation. Somewhere along the way I learned something really important: anything worth doing is worth doing well. Life is too short to do a lousy job at anything. You are procrastinating for a reason. Figure out why, and do something about it.
  • PennWalker
    PennWalker Posts: 554 Member
    sbrandt37 wrote: »
    Boy, do I know that story. I did that for far too long, and got pretty fat and unhealthy doing it. It's your choice --- either you prioritize your health or you do not. If you do, make some changes right now. Don't wait. It will not get better on its own.

    I have two suggestions. Both involve planning ahead.

    1. Buy some reasonably healthy foods that you can easily eat when you don't have time to cook. Frozen meals. Greek yogurt. Nuts. Almost anything is better than ordering in.

    2. Plan your time so that you are not doing your homework at the last minute. Schedule time in your calendar to do your homework. Plan to have it done one class meeting before the one where it is due (take it from a long-time student who is now a professor).

    Procrastination is death in this situation. Somewhere along the way I learned something really important: anything worth doing is worth doing well. Life is too short to do a lousy job at anything. You are procrastinating for a reason. Figure out why, and do something about it.

    These are all great suggestions.

    I'm a student, too, so here's mine:
    (1) Go to a library or someplace other than the place where you procrastinate and do your readings and homework. I often wear foam earplugs and walk on a treadmill while I read a chapter (granted, I can't walk very fast, but I burn 100+ calories while I read). Just go somewhere different and plan to do some work.
    (2) Make food ahead of time, whatever it takes, so you have something healthy you can grab.
    (3) When I'm stressed I chew sugarless gum.

  • kdlong1123
    kdlong1123 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you all :')
  • raheelali2015
    raheelali2015 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, I had similar issues. I have no time on hands due to work and life etc ...

    What works for me may not work for u, so for me to imply my way is best is vague. However there might be something you can just pick which helps your predicament.

    For breakfast, I stick to cereal ( muesli or weetabix ) and just started adding protein power to make it healthier.

    For lunch, low fat youghart and fruits.

    Dinner, it changes, this is my main meal of the day. This is where I was exhausted and tired due to running about and brain drain at work and temptation used be ... grab a take away. However, I changed that by ensuring adequate supply of Tuna, low fat mayo, Potatotes, brown bread, and a "rice cooker + steamer. This gives me luxury to mix and match. I also marinate chicken over weekends (for the chicken week) and I cook for 3 days supply. This works we'll go me.

    And one of the weekend days is my cheat day, I enjoy everything I like to eat. Over past 2 months have lost nearly 10 kilos. And I earn my chat day after full week of workouts etc ...

    Best of luck in your journey :)


  • kdlong1123
    kdlong1123 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for the helpful tips! I like the organization!