So frustrated!!

I've been so incredibly good, I've been working my *** off at the gym and the scale won't freaking budge! When I first tried to lose weight it melted off no problem, now I'm working even harder and nothing is happening!
My clothes are fitting better which is my only consolation, I'm sure I am gaining muscle and that's why I'm not getting these great scale changes but still, i am just so frustrated
Have any of you bought the digital scales that tells you your body fat percentage and all that?
Has that helped?
I'm willing to do anything to just keep my motivation!


  • cassieko
    cassieko Posts: 40 Member
    YES, I love my body composition scale, even though it was about three times what I felt like a scale should cost ;)
    Usually it just confirms that I am super-bloated and/or super-dehydrated...
  • pratkovic
    pratkovic Posts: 55
    are you lifting weights?
  • jbenton091011
    I'm in exactly the same boat as you :grumble:

    I've put it down to my scales being on strike :laugh: . I know I'm doing alright as I had a pair of jeans fit me yesterday which have been gathering dust in my cupboad for several months now. I enjoyed wearing them last night.

    Your clothes are fitting you well so you know it's working. Take your measurements. See what happens in the next few weeks. If obtain your goal size, but your scale says otherwise..... it's not such a bad thing.
  • imgone324
    imgone324 Posts: 84
    I've got one of those scales that "measures" body-fat, but all it's doing is a behind the scenes calcultion using the input height and your weight. Don't trust a scale for body fat measurements. If you're clothes are fitting better and you're starting to see some muscle definition, then you are on the right path. Don't get frustrated that the weight isn't coming off as quickly now as it did when you started....this is totally normal.
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    I have one of those scales. I'm not sure how well it works. Maybe it does, I don't know. I have lost almost 20Ibs and it has only gone done 3% in the body fat. I guess that sounds right. What do you think?
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I was stuck at 145.5 for 3 weeks. i was dont the 30 day shred and eat back my calories the entire time gained some nice definition and lost inches but the scale didnt go down. After it was over i just mixed it up did different workouts like pilates, ripped in 30 and walking, baseball and i didnt eat my calories back. I dropped 2.5 lbs off the scale from that change.
  • EmilySG2011
    I am suffering from the same syndrome!!! The first week using MFP I dropped 3 lbs right away and finally by the end of the first month had lost 7 lbs. I too feel like I am smaller in places and my clothes are fitting better---why doesnt it show up on the scale? Today I was sure I had dropped at least a lb or so because my stomach looked smaller. Got on the scale and was up one lb. This is so non-motivational. I am working out and watching everything I eat and still the scale is stuck back and forth down a lb and then up a lb. I'm working toward a vacation in a month and would like to be smaller--the way I'm going my weightloss for the month is going to be -0- or better yet -1 or -2 lbs.
  • strohst
    strohst Posts: 146 Member
    Maybe try switching things up.... like if you work out at night try to do it in the morning or if you do morning work outs try night time .... sometimes your body gets so use to the same thing that it needs a switch... ?? .....
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    I bought a Tanita scale about a year ago on, and it measures body fat, etc. It's good as an idea of what the fat is, but my biggest measurement of achievement is the way my clothes fit. The number on the scale should not be an all-in-all measurement of our progress. Keep doing what you're doing and I'm sure the clothes will start to fall off and the scale number will move. Just remember - journey, not sprint! Take care!
  • speckwood
    speckwood Posts: 16 Member
    Looks like you are doing a great job, you have your goals set. Stick to them and you will get there. Dont always look at the scale. There are other measures of sucess.
  • Sueboo31
    Sueboo31 Posts: 128
    I'm in the same boat too. I am working out doing strength training and cardio but he scale doesn't move however my body is changing. My clothes fit loser. My thighs look better and the best part is I actually have somewhat of a tush now that I have been doing squats and lunges. I am hoping the scale will reflect my progess one of these days. Stick with it!! :smile:
  • mpmama2re
    mpmama2re Posts: 212 Member
    definitely change up the workouts.. I know if I do the same thing for a while my weight loss just stops.. good luck!
  • wgriff
    wgriff Posts: 2
    Hand me a set of oars, I am in the same boat. 170 need to get down to 145 and not even a budge and after I hit that I am done with the day button it always says If every day was like today I would weight like 157 in six weeks and it says it every day and every day I haven't lost an ounce.

    I work out 5 hours a week at the gym (3 hours of circuit training in a class and 2 hours power Yoga class) Monday, Wednesday and friday, Tuesday is a 3 mile run, Thursday 2 mile run with strengeth training, Saturday is a 60 minutes cross train and sunday is my day off. I am training for a 10k obstacle run in August. I hardly ever go over my calorie goal. I meet all the nutritional requirements, and the scale never budges.

    I have been the same for a year and half of it I didn't exercise at all. Just ate right. Its all belly fat all my measurements go down except my middle it always goes up.

    Thanks for letting me vent; I will just keep paddling up the river at least I have oars :).