Analyze what I eat, please

Hello all...

So I'm doing okay, weights coming off, but my food diary is an open book, critique away (but be nice, plz)


  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    I only looked through a week or so, but on the days you exercise your protein intake is WAY low. If you are working out and burning 700-1000 calories then your protein intake needs to be much higher. Are you having a hard time losing? How is your sodium intake? Also, didn't notice 8 cups of water every day either.
    Just my 2 cents!
  • MayhemModels
    MayhemModels Posts: 367 Member
    You should add sodium to your diary, looks like you may have high amounts?
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    I am a fan of the whiskey for lunch, ha!!

    I looked through this just out of curiosity, as I am not one to give advice on food since it's a struggle for me --- but, I'd suggest eating more for breakfast to get your metabolism going. I have a lot more self-control when I eat a filling breakfast.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    One more thing, that saying about breakfast being most important meal of the day...I agree with that, noticed a lot of days where breakfast was a couple of vitamins. Fiber and lean protein to fill you up and get your energy for the start of the day!
  • Tnrbeaner
    Tnrbeaner Posts: 51
    Whiskey for lunch! You're my new favorite person..! tee hee
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey friend....I took a look..your not much of a meat eater are you....idk ive looked but all i can really see is some processed meat that you may want to try to do away with....oh and WATER....if you like me I forget to put my water in all the time....Im not much of a breakfast or lunch person so thats why i do shakes that way I am getting something in, but most my calories are can look at mine if you like and analyze mine also....
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    You need to make sure you are eating breakfast. I see you skip it alot. It should be your largest meal of the day. Followed my lunch and then dinner being your smallest.

    Also, on the days you work out, make sure you are eating back your calories, add more protien, and try to eat less fat and salt. Cut down on the processed food. If you can make it yourself, make it yourself.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Ok you asked for it! :tongue: I see you are skipping breakfast on many days, that is a huge no no! Your body needs food. Breakfast means break your fast. I'm also not seeing much as far as protein goes. It's really low. I also see you skip lunch or drink lemon aid and call it lunch. You need to get your calories from nutrient rich foods. I see your taking iron, are you anemic? You might consider eating more dark leafy foods and beans/ legumes. I never log my water, but I drink my fill so I won't comment on that.
    In short:
    Eat breakfast of at least 250 calories. A fruit, a good fat, grain and protein (almond butter on whole wheat toast would be a good choice)
    Eat lunch again at least 250 calories. A veggy (dark and or leafy!) a protein, a grain, and a healthy fat!
    Drink less sugar filled drinks, stick with water.
    Aim for more protein!
    watch the sodium on those prepackaged convenience and fast foods foods.
  • larainew
    larainew Posts: 17
    First of all, I'm no expert. I've been going by the USDA food pyramid (or whatever shape it is now... food circle?). Yep. It's a plate.
    It seems sensible to me.
    Looking through your past week, It looks like your calorie count is low, but those calories aren't necessarily coming from the right food groups.
    I'd say you should be getting a lot more veggies and fruits. On some days, a lot of your calories come from red meat and alcohol, which is not so good. USDA recommends lean meats like fish and chicken. And alcohol, while a wondrous beverage, it not where most of your calories should come from.
    Also, make sure to eat ALL your meals. Plus snacks.
    The great thing about eating more veggies is you can eat a TON of them without going over your calorie goals. Yum!
  • tuskegee4
    tuskegee4 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm no expert, but doesn't look like your are eating enough food. I would suggest goggling a nutrious meal plan or talking to someone. You need breakfast, water, and a side item for that whiskey at lunch. LOL
  • daneslord
    daneslord Posts: 31

    This may help

    The weight has been coming off pretty well, I've lost 25 pounds over about two months or so.

    Yes, I am ridiculously anemic. Always have been. Doc put me on pills.

    Yes, I don't eat breakfast. I know I should, I'm going to try to change that.

    Sodium...for some reason, my phone app tracks the sodium, and here doesn't. I usually come in plus or minus 20% sodium wise.

    And yes, Whiskey really is a meal. As is lemonade. LOL. I work in a very busy environment. Right now, I'm out on a break, and then I have to go back in (legal office). So I get what I can.

    I'm trying to eat more meat, cause i don't ever get the protein I'm supposed to, but I don't have time to cook all that much. I've gotten a george foreman grill.

    And the thing is, when I hit the gym, it's in my office tower, and after pushing myself for 1K cals, I don't really wanna eat anything. And I'm never sure I have the time to go workout until I actually do.

    All in all, thanks guys.
  • daneslord
    daneslord Posts: 31
    I only looked through a week or so, but on the days you exercise your protein intake is WAY low. If you are working out and burning 700-1000 calories then your protein intake needs to be much higher. Are you having a hard time losing? How is your sodium intake? Also, didn't notice 8 cups of water every day either.
    Just my 2 cents!

    And I drink enough water, just don't log it.
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    try a after workout protein shake
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member

    This may help

    The weight has been coming off pretty well, I've lost 25 pounds over about two months or so.

    Yes, I am ridiculously anemic. Always have been. Doc put me on pills.

    Yes, I don't eat breakfast. I know I should, I'm going to try to change that.

    Sodium...for some reason, my phone app tracks the sodium, and here doesn't. I usually come in plus or minus 20% sodium wise.

    And yes, Whiskey really is a meal. As is lemonade. LOL. I work in a very busy environment. Right now, I'm out on a break, and then I have to go back in (legal office). So I get what I can.

    I'm trying to eat more meat, cause i don't ever get the protein I'm supposed to, but I don't have time to cook all that much. I've gotten a george foreman grill.

    And the thing is, when I hit the gym, it's in my office tower, and after pushing myself for 1K cals, I don't really wanna eat anything. And I'm never sure I have the time to go workout until I actually do.

    All in all, thanks guys.

    I saw in your the other post that you like Trader joes, :) You can get some really great things to eat on the run there that ARE healthy. I like the Lara bars (stick with the original flavors and it's only fruit and nuts). I am mostly vegetarian so I also battle with anemia from time to time. Trader Joes has great bagged spinach salads, you can use a lemon wedge instead of dressing and toss in a hand full of nuts to help your body process the iron. Don't use dairy based dressings not only are they too fatty but it inhibits your bodies ability to absorb the iron. You can buy a bag of broccoli and carrots and divide it up in zip lock bags toss in a serving of hummus to dip and there you go, meal on the go. Boil eggs and peel them so they are ready to eat when you have time. Take a slice of whole wheat (100% no HFC or sugar) and spread 1 tbls almond butter; precut or buy pre cut apples and you have a quick lunch you can eat while running around the office. Anyway, there are a few ideas on ways you can get your meals in quickly. :)
  • AAJoseph
    AAJoseph Posts: 53 Member
    I am a fan of the whiskey for lunch, ha!!

    Here here!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My suggestions, for what they are worth - eat more, but eat less prepackaged foods (your sodium is way over some days). I know some 23 yo men don't cook, but really preparing your own food with lean proteins, whole grains and plenty of veggies is a lifestyle worth getting used to.
  • daneslord
    daneslord Posts: 31
    Thx guys. This is why I love the cloud, keeps me honest.