Trying again

Hey there! I'm Jen, I'm 31, and live in Florida. I was an avid MFP user, lost 65 pounds, but slowly over the last couple of years it's crept back on. That's just not ok! I'm looking for new friends to help motivate and encourage, someone to help me on my journey. Happy to help others any way I can!


  • cessi0909
    cessi0909 Posts: 654 Member
    Best of luck to you!!
    I also lost a good amount using MFP, stopped and am struggling to get back but I'm here and trying again. We can do this
  • ZCMomma2011
    ZCMomma2011 Posts: 1 Member
    It's always frustrating trying to get back to where you were before. I lost 30 and ended up gaining it back over a couple of years with the stress that was in my life, but I'm changing that now! Let's do this!!
  • serenaraven84
    serenaraven84 Posts: 17 Member
    Me too, me too! I lost almost 40 pounds after I had my daughter. But over the past year or so, I have gained that plus more back. (I really enjoy beer and tacos.)
    It was a sad, sad day when I finally got up enough nerve to get back on that scale...
    Here's to new friends and fitting into our skinny pants again!
  • MaggieG2015
    MaggieG2015 Posts: 13 Member
    Same here but willing to give it another try! Winter time Is the worst for me = winter blues. My motivation is remembering how good it felt to eat healthy and make healthy choices and receiving compliments from people that see me everyday! Also as someone who suffers from hypothyroidism (slow thyroid - non working metabolism) being able to shed some weight kept me going so here I am trying it again. Btw I found that indoor rowing helped a ton ! So doing that again ! And also reading the before and after stories on inspired me!
  • SpleenThief
    SpleenThief Posts: 293 Member
    Lost 100, regained 75. Sigh. Picks self up, dusts self off and tries again. 6 down, 69 more to go.