Looking for Daily Posters and Motivators

Cedura Posts: 184 Member
Hello, My name is Heather.
I have used MFP before with some success. Last time I lost almost 30 lbs doing nothing but logging food. I never could get below that magic 200lb mark though. But I slowly re-ate my way back into several larger sizes , and am now bigger than I have ever been.

I am looking for MFP friends who plan to log daily, struggle openly, status post their successes and failures unashamedly and don't mind a little casual competition between internet strangers (along with some major motivation).

If you are the person described above, I would love to meet you.

A little more about me....
I have Multiple Sclerosis- sometimes it prevents me from exercising normally. I would LOVE to participate in leg days, arm days, and other random body part days, but there are many days that become "chair days" when my body has a mind of its own. So I love to see other people out doing what they love, and I will encourage you in it, but if I never post about my leg day, its because its been a bad week.

I recently got engaged. I have a wedding dress goal! Right now, because of my size, I can only order plus size gowns. The bridal shop does not even carry a corset in my size, or a wedding bralette in my size, or a slip in my size In fact, they have to charge me an extra $300 due to the amount of fabric my dress will require. (I get it, I'm fat. But can't a girl catch a break on her wedding day! hahaha!!) To save money and my dignity, this is one goal I think I can manage. I have about 11 months until the BIG DAY, so I have the time!

Tl;DR I want motivated friends. Being social keeps me driven. Diet and exercise is more fun with a friend (or 20) along for the ride!


  • EricRSRCP
    EricRSRCP Posts: 57 Member
    TL:DR, I want the same thing. Feel free to add me. I shall offer nothing but positive support!
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    Yeah, I got to the end and realized most people didnt have time for a book. Glad to meet ya Eric. I sent the add request.
  • Elle_phant
    Elle_phant Posts: 29 Member
    Congratulations on your engagement! 11 months is a lot of time to lose some major weight! I believe in you! I'm just starting back again after a blip in my life (and a slight regain of 20 pounds - holy crap) so I still have a huge chunk of weight to lose. I have a large event in 20 weeks and I'm using it as motivation, but would love more. Feel free to add me if you'd like to!

  • Green_Faerie
    Green_Faerie Posts: 21 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi there, I'm new, and like you, some of my motivation is coming from an upcoming wedding! It's this coming May, and I actually haven't even REALLY gone dress shopping other than a couple of pricing glances and looking around (mostly being because I'm wanting to lose weight)
    I have a boudoir shoot Scheduled the month before, and that's honestly a bigger motivation simply because EVERYTHING will be out.

    I'd love to trade motivation with you! Sending a friend request!

    Edit-well then, looks like you already sent, lol
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    I have a boudoir shoot Scheduled the month before, and that's honestly a bigger motivation simply because EVERYTHING will be out.

    Oh, that is something I have always dreamed of doing, but lacked the confidence for! You go! Hopefully once I am a bit slimmer and like what I see in my mirror, I will have that confidence.
  • EricRSRCP
    EricRSRCP Posts: 57 Member
    Cedura wrote: »
    Yeah, I got to the end and realized most people didnt have time for a book. Glad to meet ya Eric. I sent the add request.

    Bah, people are lazy. They have time. Also, congrats on your engagement!
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    Thanks Eric
  • kristikitter
    kristikitter Posts: 602 Member
    Hi! I try to be very social on here, I like encouraging and cheerleading everyone :) I find it motivates me too!

    Good luck on your journey, and of course feel free to add me.

  • ntnunk
    ntnunk Posts: 936 Member
    edited November 2016
    Welcome back, and good luck on your journey. I'm around every day, and usually many times per day, to one degree or another. Feel free to add me if so inclined.
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    I am so excited to see everyone's updates and progress! Yay for new friends!
  • Marieyeyeam
    Marieyeyeam Posts: 103 Member
    Hello everyone! Getting married next fall as well. Looking to lose 100+ lbs or just to balance out my 5 foot height. The struggle is real. Love food unfortunately it doesn't love me back but it sure likes to cling. Hate exercise right now, hard lugging all this weight around. Have some medical trouble at the moment as well so slowly trying to add in the work outs. Mostly been going on small walks around the neighborhood. Haven't plugged in the treadmill yet hoping to start with that soon. Feel free to add me guys. I wish u all luck on ur journeys.