Binge Eating Disorder?

UMDavies Posts: 87 Member
edited November 2024 in Motivation and Support
Does anyone have experience with seeing a doctor for BED, particularly in the UK?

I'm feeling very low after about two months of on-off binging since starting a master's degree, and I really want to do something about it. I've had a problem with binge eating for a while, but it's become more and more prevalent over the last two years. I sneak food up to my room and hide from my housemates while I eat it because I don't want them to know how much I eat, and then I'll go down and eat dinner with them afterwards. I'll eat when I'm not even hungry until I feel sick, wait half an hour, then carry on eating. I always hate myself both during and afterwards, and every time I say to myself "I'll be stronger tomorrow/next week/after Christmas/once this exam is over" - and it never happens!

I really want to speak to someone about this, maybe via CBT or within a group, but I can't afford to pay privately so I'd have to speak to my GP and go through the NHS. The problem is, I feel like they'd just say "Try harder and stop being so greedy" or something like that :/ I've tried again and again to overcome this on my own but I think I need to try something else as it's not working. I'm already insulin resistant and I don't want to end up diabetic - you'd think this would be enough of an incentive, but apparently it isn't.

I feel totally pathetic and not in control of my own eating habits, so if anyone has any experience (good or bad!) they could share that would be really helpful.

Thank you :)


  • barbiesue812
    barbiesue812 Posts: 6 Member
    You are not alone. This is a struggle for many, including myself. I have lost then gained back quickly 60 pounds due to this very same problem. I am now on day one of trying to get control again of my problem.
  • flump1977
    flump1977 Posts: 5 Member
    You are not alone. There a millions of other humans suffering with the same instinct to binge and then feel bad about themselves. My suggestion is see the doctor, they will understand and there is CBT available for this. Also find out what triggers your binge eating, are you being hard on yourself for some reason? Are you restricting what you eat then craving forbidden foods? These will set off a binge.
    Let us know how you get on. I suffer like you and value having support from others even if it's just to say not to worry so much, stop beating yourself up, enjoy life, enjoy living.
  • mila_lova
    mila_lova Posts: 163 Member
    I'm recovering from binge eating disorder too. You CAN do this!!!!

    I had a hard time getting doctors and my therapist to take me seriously. What finally made me stop binging, after years of doing it daily, was an intense conversation with my boyfriend about how much my disorder bothered him. This conversation also happened in the middle of a family crisis, and it gave me the motivation I needed to stop. I haven't binged in three weeks (except Thanksgiving). Some days are so freakin hard. But I've got that motivation driving me.

    What motivates you to get better! Try to focus on that. Also, support groups can be so helpful. Overeaters Anonymous is a good one. Look into resources at your local community mental health center, they have a lot of low-cost options.
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