new to MFP

and feeling quite stalker-ish just adding people LOL!!! I have a wee blurb on my profile. Would love more friends to celebrate scale and non scale victories!



  • Im new too..Feel free to add me
  • Welcome aboard! You've come to r ight place for support!
  • I'm still fairly new if you'd like to add me :) I'm currently 5'8" and my current weight is 180.6 and I'm trying to get down to at least 160.
  • Hi,

    I'm a newbie here too if you would like to add me, still getting used to this and not quie sure how to add people or things but it will be a great support to us all.

    Good luck :happy:
  • hawaiije
    hawaiije Posts: 7
    I'm only 4 days in myself, feel free to add me, and welcome! lol thats funny to say "write"