Loosing 1-2 pounds a day

So I've started to weigh myself and by looks of things I'm loosing 1-2 pounds a day, I've cut my calories a lot as I was eating loads and I also have gallstones so I can't eat much anyway because if I do I get pain "my op is in January" has anyone else lost this much weight?! It's crazy everyday I step on the scales my weight keeps going down, I weigh myself every morning I wakeup. What's the most you have lost in a week? I think I'm eating between 1000-1200 calories but it's very difficult as I'm poorly at the moment with gallstones. Also I've started the gym again so I don't have any loose skin :) has anyone else had this with them loosing this much weight ?


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    When you start a deficit, sometimes you lose a lot at first -- especially if you have a lot to lose. This typically slows down, but you should really try to eat at least 1,200 calories (which I understand can be hard with gallstones). If you really can't eat enough, I suggest getting help from your medical treatment team. Rapid weight loss can complicate gallstone problems, I believe and it can put your health at risk in other ways too.

    How long have you been at it?
  • robthephotog
    robthephotog Posts: 81 Member
    It's usually not a good idea to weigh in daily. Wait a week minimum between. You're weight can fluctuate up to 5-7 pounds a day. You'll get a better idea of what is actually coming off that way. Also remeber never to go under 1200 calories. That's plenty low enough. Especially if you're seeing results.
  • emayc24
    emayc24 Posts: 39 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    When you first start out, this is a very normal occurrence to changes in glycogen storage, amount of waste in the GI track and alterations in sodium. Enjoy it while it last because it will normalize after a few weeks.
    psuLemon wrote: »
    When you first start out, this is a very normal occurrence to changes in glycogen storage, amount of waste in the GI track and alterations in sodium. Enjoy it while it last because it will normalize after a few weeks.
    psuLemon wrote: »
    When you first start out, this is a very normal occurrence to changes in glycogen storage, amount of waste in the GI track and alterations in sodium. Enjoy it while it last because it will normalize after a few weeks.

    I've been doing this for 5 months, so it's not a new thing. As I started the healthy eating around 5 months ago
  • emayc24
    emayc24 Posts: 39 Member
    It's usually not a good idea to weigh in daily. Wait a week minimum between. You're weight can fluctuate up to 5-7 pounds a day. You'll get a better idea of what is actually coming off that way. Also remeber never to go under 1200 calories. That's plenty low enough. Especially if you're seeing results.

    Yeah i try not to , but it's very difficult as I have gallstones so not able to eat much without severe stomach pains
  • emayc24
    emayc24 Posts: 39 Member
    When you start a deficit, sometimes you lose a lot at first -- especially if you have a lot to lose. This typically slows down, but you should really try to eat at least 1,200 calories (which I understand can be hard with gallstones). If you really can't eat enough, I suggest getting help from your medical treatment team. Rapid weight loss can complicate gallstone problems, I believe and it can put your health at risk in other ways too.

    How long have you been at it?
    When you start a deficit, sometimes you lose a lot at first -- especially if you have a lot to lose. This typically slows down, but you should really try to eat at least 1,200 calories (which I understand can be hard with gallstones). If you really can't eat enough, I suggest getting help from your medical treatment team. Rapid weight loss can complicate gallstone problems, I believe and it can put your health at risk in other ways too.

    How long have you been at it?

    I've been doing this for around 5 months now, I've lost 3 stone so far! But my gallstones have gotten abit worse so can't eat as much. Yeah it's not a new thing. I need to loose the weight anyway as I'm still overweight, once I've had my op things will be less dramatic
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    emayc24 wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    When you first start out, this is a very normal occurrence to changes in glycogen storage, amount of waste in the GI track and alterations in sodium. Enjoy it while it last because it will normalize after a few weeks.
    psuLemon wrote: »
    When you first start out, this is a very normal occurrence to changes in glycogen storage, amount of waste in the GI track and alterations in sodium. Enjoy it while it last because it will normalize after a few weeks.
    psuLemon wrote: »
    When you first start out, this is a very normal occurrence to changes in glycogen storage, amount of waste in the GI track and alterations in sodium. Enjoy it while it last because it will normalize after a few weeks.

    I've been doing this for 5 months, so it's not a new thing. As I started the healthy eating around 5 months ago

    You've lost a pound a day for 5 months?
  • emayc24
    emayc24 Posts: 39 Member
    emayc24 wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    When you first start out, this is a very normal occurrence to changes in glycogen storage, amount of waste in the GI track and alterations in sodium. Enjoy it while it last because it will normalize after a few weeks.
    psuLemon wrote: »
    When you first start out, this is a very normal occurrence to changes in glycogen storage, amount of waste in the GI track and alterations in sodium. Enjoy it while it last because it will normalize after a few weeks.
    psuLemon wrote: »
    When you first start out, this is a very normal occurrence to changes in glycogen storage, amount of waste in the GI track and alterations in sodium. Enjoy it while it last because it will normalize after a few weeks.

    I've been doing this for 5 months, so it's not a new thing. As I started the healthy eating around 5 months ago

    You've lost a pound a day for 5 months?

    No it started off slower, but because of my gallstones being worse and eating less I'm loosing more now, at first it was 2-3 pounds a week before I was ill.
  • When I first started losing weight I lost 8Ibs my first two weeks and then my weight loss stabalized. Its natural and a great modater in the begining. Keep up the great work!
  • genghis54
    genghis54 Posts: 123 Member
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    When I first started losing weight I lost 8Ibs my first two weeks and then my weight loss stabalized. Its natural and a great modater in the begining. Keep up the great work!

    You didn't read any of the thread, did you?
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited November 2016
    Doesn't rapid weight loss cause/make gallstones worse?

    What are your stats (height, current weight, goal weight, age, gender) and how many calories are you eating now?

    Can you open your dairy for us, please?
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Wow, pound a day or more lost? Thats a lot!
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    emayc24 wrote: »
    It's usually not a good idea to weigh in daily. Wait a week minimum between. You're weight can fluctuate up to 5-7 pounds a day. You'll get a better idea of what is actually coming off that way. Also remeber never to go under 1200 calories. That's plenty low enough. Especially if you're seeing results.

    Yeah i try not to , but it's very difficult as I have gallstones so not able to eat much without severe stomach pains

    i weight myself every day at the same time - get up in the am, pee and then weigh myself...but i use a trending app so even if my weight is up one day, i can see what my 5-day trend for weight is
  • emayc24
    emayc24 Posts: 39 Member
    Doesn't rapid weight loss cause/make gallstones worse?

    What are your stats (height, current weight, goal weight, age, gender) and how many calories are you eating now?

    Can you open your dairy for us, please?

    Yes but I don't have much choice as the more I eat the worse I feel. I'm 5ft 9, 245.6 pounds, I've lost nearly 4 stone so far! I'm 25 and I'm female. I eat around 1000-1200 calories a day all really healthy foods. Yes il open my diary
  • emayc24
    emayc24 Posts: 39 Member
    emayc24 wrote: »
    It's usually not a good idea to weigh in daily. Wait a week minimum between. You're weight can fluctuate up to 5-7 pounds a day. You'll get a better idea of what is actually coming off that way. Also remeber never to go under 1200 calories. That's plenty low enough. Especially if you're seeing results.

    Yeah i try not to , but it's very difficult as I have gallstones so not able to eat much without severe stomach pains

    i weight myself every day at the same time - get up in the am, pee and then weigh myself...but i use a trending app so even if my weight is up one day, i can see what my 5-day trend for weight is

    I weigh myself everyday too! The number just keeps going down, I weigh myself before I've eaten or drank anything in the morning. What is the trending app?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    emayc24 wrote: »
    Doesn't rapid weight loss cause/make gallstones worse?

    What are your stats (height, current weight, goal weight, age, gender) and how many calories are you eating now?

    Can you open your dairy for us, please?

    Yes but I don't have much choice as the more I eat the worse I feel. I'm 5ft 9, 245.6 pounds, I've lost nearly 4 stone so far! I'm 25 and I'm female. I eat around 1000-1200 calories a day all really healthy foods. Yes il open my diary

    It might be worth concentrating on some higher calorie foods or drinking some calories (protein shake or milk). Aggressive weight loss can lead to skin elasticity issues, and accelerate muscle loss (which means you will have to lose a greater amount of weight to get a tight body or potentially make up for muscle loss by trying to gain muscle).
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I really think you need to talk to your doctor. With surgery coming up, you really need to know you are not hurting yourself.

    A trending app is just for tracking your weight and looking at a 7 day average (or some such). Takes the focus off the daily weight and averages it out so you can focus more on the trends. I just use Excel and look at a bunch of numbers.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    emayc24 wrote: »
    emayc24 wrote: »
    It's usually not a good idea to weigh in daily. Wait a week minimum between. You're weight can fluctuate up to 5-7 pounds a day. You'll get a better idea of what is actually coming off that way. Also remeber never to go under 1200 calories. That's plenty low enough. Especially if you're seeing results.

    Yeah i try not to , but it's very difficult as I have gallstones so not able to eat much without severe stomach pains

    i weight myself every day at the same time - get up in the am, pee and then weigh myself...but i use a trending app so even if my weight is up one day, i can see what my 5-day trend for weight is

    I weigh myself everyday too! The number just keeps going down, I weigh myself before I've eaten or drank anything in the morning. What is the trending app?

    i'm doing a program that gives me a spreadsheet to use, but you could do it with an excel spreadsheet

    log your weight and then use the AVG coding for like a 5 or 7 day avg so you can see whether weight is trending up or down (i.e. yesterday, I was up a lb from the day before, but my overall stats trended down .3lb)
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Since we are on the topic, my spreadsheet has way more info than people need, but I put in my weight in lbs.
    Calculates out:
    Weight in KG
    Average last 7 day weight
    Loss from prior day
    loss from prior week
    Loss from prior month
    7 day average BMI
    % of weight loss from start

    There is really something wrong with me......