Should I aim for my LW? How to get there?

Hello people. I'm new to MFP and am trying to embrace the experience as much as I can. I have some questions on technique and decision making, although I couldn't find something similar I apologize if this is a common situation (that's been responded to a bunch of times).

I'm currently around 5'4.5, 170 and 24 years old.

For most of my adolescence I was overweight/obese at a HW of 190. Beginning around 18 I began becoming more active (not really exercising but being more active daily, walking instead of driving, etc.) and watching my food intake and was able to get down to about 140. I was constantly being told that I looked sick or too thin.

Over the past 2 years I've managed to get back to 170 (life changes, over eating, laziness) and I'm having trouble deciding how I should focus on losing weight and getting more fit... Should I diet and do light cardio until I get down to a weight (145?) and then focus on muscle toning? I want to know where to set my goal without being unrealistic and have a concise plan to get there.

Any help, advise, thoughts or words of wisdom are much appreciated.


  • Gessa007
    Gessa007 Posts: 50
    I'm 5'4 as well and weigh 160. Im wanting to get down to 125ibs. I think you just need to decide your goal weight and go for it. I wouldnt listen to what others say. I use to weigh 110ibs now that was a little too skinny therefore im not aiming to weigh that anymore, so I decided I want to get down to 125ibs. They also have weight charts for hieght and age that tell you where your weight should be around. But ultimately its up to you and how you feel. G'dluck :) As far as losing the pounds this website is very helpful I would look into some of the threads going on.

    ** im doing cardio right now and some days I throw in some strength training. Theres no wrong way to go about it, you just make an effort to do anything whether its weights or running or jump rope. As far as eating, just try to be more healthy concious but everyones human.
  • GeminiMel02
    GeminiMel02 Posts: 36 Member
    Whatever you do, it has to be a lifestyle adjustment and not just a temporary fix. By only dieting/exercising for a short period of time it's like putting tape on a leaky faucet - it'll hold for a little while but then, the mess to clean up will be larger in the end. Whatever you decide to aim for, I'm sure you'll be successful. Good luck!
  • when people tell you your too skinny they are just jealous, I know cause I've said that about people and i've had that said about me, so don't worry about if you are eating healthy your body will only lose the fat that's already there I had my goal weight and went way past it and didn't think that was even possible so you focus on eating right and exercise and your body will decide on how it's going to end up
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I work on cardio with weight toning because Im worried about excess skin, and you need strength excercises in order to lose skin. So I do circuit training alot, or doing stairs, jogging in place, dancing, etc, all with 3lbs weights in each arm, pumping them over my head, and punching the air in front of me, etc. This will help with the skin side, as well as help make me look toner when im at my goal. (if i werent to do any strength and just cardio, i think id look a bit off, with buff legs and flabby arms. I also focus alot on stomach excercises so get the most definition to help with skin as well and try to look more tones instead of just fat...

    your taking time to loose weight, might as well add in some strength while your doing the rest, 2 birds one stone kinda thing. If once your goal you think you need some improvement with toning, then you can focus your efforts on strength.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I had to take it 1 lb at a time.

    I set myself small attainable goals and reassessed when I got there.

    For years I'd been trying to get down my "pre-accident" weight (141).
    I came close a couple of times, but never quiet made it.
    Then I realized even if I don't make it I can still do better than what I was doing.

    1st Goal) -10 lbs (165)

    2nd Goal) Health BMI (159)

    3rd Goal) Get down to the weight were I gave up on the way up (150)
    (I'd been a fat kid at 5' tall I weighed 150 lbs. I swore I'd never get that big again. After I grew 7" I still perceived that as too big.
    I got hit by a car and couldn't live the same active life-style that I did before and went over the 150 mark)

    4th Goal) Tone Up.

    I've done 1-3, currently working on 4, mulling over 5 and 6 looms in the back of my mind. Part of me thinks "self-acceptance" needs to be part of my personal growth journey. Part of me feels the focus of my live should be living a life love and not torturing myself to achieve and arbitrary number on a scale. I'm not aiming for a number I'm aiming for happy and healthy.

    5th Goal) ???? I'm toying with the idea of 145

    6th Goal) ???? 141 "pre-accident" weight that I haven't seen in 13 years.
  • lifeinpink09
    lifeinpink09 Posts: 87 Member
    Not to offend, but there is no way being 140 and 5'4 looks sick OR too thin. Depending on your bone structure 140 is a good weight for your height. I know because I'm pretty much the same height (give or take a fraction of an inch). I have a large bone structure for my height and I've been told that my optimum weight range is 143 - 156, meaning to be about 140 would be PERFECT for me at a large frame. So if you have a small-medium frame you could go even lower. Don't let people discourage you. Lose until YOU think you look good. Make yourself happy. That's what matters.