I have always struggled with my sugar addiction......HOW can I stop it?? I know to allow myself a "treat" every now and then, but it really feels like an addiction, if I don't have it then I go crazy and obsess over it. Anybody else have this problem?? How do you cope? Should I sugar "detox"?? I don't have it in the house, but when it is or I am out I find I binge on it....


  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    Sugar like fruit sugar or sugar like candy?

    You got to find a healthy alternative that you enjoy eating and can treat yourself with on a regular basis.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    I have to deal with this often. I had to remove it from my house and then try to forget when the craving hits. It eventually goes away and they happen less and not as intense. My cravings were so bad they would wake me up in the middle of the night. I finally was diagnosed with Adrenal Fatigue and that is a major sign, as well as some other things it can be a sign of like low blood sugar diabetes. You may want to talk to the Dr. PS Fruits didn't work for me, it wasn't enough. :(
  • LessMe2B
    LessMe2B Posts: 316
    Is there any chance all the delicious summer fruits would satisfy your sweet tooth. They do for me this time of year.
  • LAYLAH17
    LAYLAH17 Posts: 170 Member
    I have the same issue. More than ever lately so, I just bought some vanilla yogurt today. So whenever I feel like eating anything sweet I can eat that and maybe an apple.
  • crystalmichelle82
    i usually eat a p90x protein bar b/c they taste like a candy bar to me. Or i drink a shakeology. its a milk shake that tastes like a dessert. fruits are awesome too for me. :smile:
  • JHunter75
    JHunter75 Posts: 14
    I have the same issue. I've tried and failed many detox-type programs... and failed. In my experience (Preface: I am not a doctor or physician), moderation is the key. If you cut it all out, you'll just end up benging later in the day, or week. Experiment, and find your own personal moderation level.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Fruit usually does it for me too, but not always. If you can't beat the craving with fruit or trying to ignore it, you might end up eating everything else in your kitchen in order to avoid that one treat so if that's the case, go ahead and have a little (whatever it is you want) to satisfy that craving. Just control the amount and maybe exercise a bit to burn off the extra calories.

    For example, if I want ice cream, I have a fudgecicle or go to McD's and get a small cone - both are pretty low in calories and portion controlled.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    I really, really, REALLY sympathize. I struggle with my sweet tooth as well! I can't say I've completely licked the problem, but I can truthfully say I'm in a much better place. Here is what I have done (for what it is worth):

    For about 2 months I didn't even allow myself sugar-free sweets, except for one diet soda in the evening for dessert. The interesting thing that happened was that suddenly fruit tasted much, much sweeter, water tasted better, I started to like coffee and tea without sweetener in it (unless it was flavored--that stuff's nasty without sweetener). It was really hard to do, but that was when my weight really started coming off.

    Now I allow myself artificially sweetened beverages again, but I try to keep real sweets in the "very, very rarely" category. I do not keep them in my house, or allow them in my office. If someone brings in sweets, I move them to our staff lounge so that they are not in my sight line all day. I only allow myself to have them under controlled circumstances or for very special occasions. (Recently, on vacation, I allowed myself to have ice cream for lunch--I figured it was the only way I could really afford the calories, and it wasn't like I have ice cream every day--in fact, it had been MONTHS!

    I hope this helps a little. I think the sugar monster is a real issue for most of us, especially in the US.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I am addicted to gummies! Love gummy worms, jelly beans, red vines and spice drops!! I could eat them every day! I've just stopped buying them. If/when I feel the craving I pop in some gum. Those new ones that taste like desert....yes they really taste like desert. The Key Lime Pie and Mint Chocolat Chip are my faves! It helps with the sweet tooth but doesn't ruin the diet.
  • kerry1513
    kerry1513 Posts: 38 Member
    My suggestion, don't try to cut it out all together, and don't remove it from the house. This will only leave you wanting it more. I find if I splurge and buy myself a really decadent piece of chocolate (or whatever you crave) and I really savor it and enjoy it I am less likely to binge on the sweets. For instance, I was craving chocolate today, so I had one of those 100 calorie yocrunch yogurt cups with chocolate cookie pieces. Satisfied my sweet tooth! Just figure out what works for you and what doesn't to satisfy your cravings. Once, you do that then it won't be hard to control your cravings.
  • Marlinedorcinvil
    Marlinedorcinvil Posts: 115 Member
    i had the same issue. i would always look at my nutritional facts and sugar was always over. I started to do some research and found that it also is one of the reasons why we are so over weight. i started on a low carb diet and have been amazed at the results. Effortless weight loss and tons of energy. you can look at different diets.. Atkins, Primal, Palelo.

    Also a good documentary to watch is Fat Head!

    Just cutting back your carbs to 100g a day will make a huge difference.
  • megankayden
    megankayden Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions! No fruit does not satisfy me, I wish it did! I like the idea of a protein bar that is sweet but also has some benefits as well, maybe I will try buying some and eating it after a workout as a "treat"..hhhmmm...and the low cal pudding and dessert cups some of you suggested..Thanks a million!!
  • ShannyB9
    ShannyB9 Posts: 7 Member
    Or like I said Megan, LOLLIPOPS, they range from 40-70 claories and they last a long time. Just eat half of one and save the other half for later. They also have tons of sugar free candies made for diabetics, if you didnt know any better you would think they were full of sugar because they taste so good! I also bought those 45 calories fudgsicles from DQ, the sell them in boxes of 6. Tastes like any other fudgsicle but without the guilt afterwards!
  • megankayden
    megankayden Posts: 37 Member
    I forgot about lollipops! And I think sugar free candies is a great idea too! I have to try it, whenever I want something sweet I will try a sugar free candy, during the day I can eat fruit when I want something sweet, it is the evening when i want tea and something sweet. The craving is too much I always cave and eat something. If there is nothing sweet then I just eat whatever until I get fed up with it. Lately I have been eating the skinny cow ice cream before bed, (Always within my calories) but would like to stop having so much sugar before bed. (Wont buy any more skinny cows for a while).
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    When you have an addiction, you abstain! Take 2 weeks and have no sweets, sugar or even high sugar fruits. Then add them back in moderation.
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    I have a huge sweet tooth so I try not to buy candy anymore... I do keep a little chocolate around, just in harmless amounts (especially Ghiradelli chocolate chips for baking, you can count them out and feel satisfied with that amount for 80 calories) for when I feel like I'm gonna crack... Otherwise I make sure there's fruits like apples and oranges around the house for a sweet snack that's not going to ruin me.

    Last night I made a bowl of oatmeal using light chocolate soy milk and it was just as satisfying as eating sweets but wasn't awful for me and it filled me up. :) Figure out some ways you can get your fix without making a big dent in your nutrition for the day and you'll be a lot happier for it
  • dandyforman
    Biologically speaking, your (the human) body is designed to process three forms of fuel, and these are sugar, fat, and carbs. The body can process protien as a source of fuel, but it's not preferred.

    Understanding this, it makes sense that when our energy levels are dropping our bodies start to crave it's prefferences of fuel, sugar being the most desirable. It's very quick energy, and it's easy to store for later use. Besides fruit, at no time in our history has sugar been so readily avaliable, so when we crave it and it's abundant, we tend to over-indulge.

    In regards to artificial sweeteners, "it's hard to believe you can have too much of something that doesn't contain a single calorie, but you can. Artificial sweeteners can actually make it harder to curb your sweet tooth, and some research has shown that they may even trick your brain into craving more sweets. Instead of a chemical fix, wean yourself off sugar and sugar substitutes with naturally sweet snacks that have additional dietary benefits, like fiber-filled berries or antioxidant-rich dark chocolate. Or indulge in your favorite sugary treat in smaller portions or less often." (Womens Health)

    I hope this helps. I'm not so good at giving advice, because I don't like telling people what to do, but if this information is helpful, I'm glad :)
  • altak9
    altak9 Posts: 20
    Oh for the love of sugar! Yes I had that same issue. Fresh pineapple, fresh apples, fresh bananas and all the fresh fruit you can eat. It has taken me 6 months of fresh fruit to say that I no longer crave the sweets. And now if I do have a small slice of something sweet, my body tells me it doesn't want any more of that junk.
  • megankayden
    megankayden Posts: 37 Member
    Oatmeal with chocolate milk?? I like that idea! Thanks everybody again, it's so motivating with all the support of MFP :) I haven't even caved for a sweet thing all day!