Needing supportive friends - add me!

Hey everyone!

My name is Cayla. I'm 27 years old, married, mom of two, and in nursing school. I've gained 40 lbs in the past two years, and it's time for me to take full responsibility to turn it around.

I want to lose weight first and foremost, for myself. I want to feel good, be healthy, and live a quality life. I want to squash the negative voice in my head, telling me that I'll be fat for the rest of my life. That I can't do it. I can and I will.
I want my husband to like what he sees. He has seen my weight fluctuate throughout our relationship (pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, post partum, etc) and loves me regardless, but I want him to feel proud of me.
I want to not be embarrassed to be in photographs with my children so that they have memories to look back on.
I want to be able to wear anything that I want, and shop anywhere I want.

I'm ready.

I've had success in the past using MFP, so I know it works. It's just a matter of doing it! Feel free to add me so that we can support each other in our fitness endeavors! :)


  • Hey Cayla. Sounds like you are raring and ready to go. Also in the same boat as you, but as a single parent. Lost a lot of weight after me and my husband split but have since put it all back on and then some. Really ready to lose weight and tone up, not just for me but for my two children also. Want them to be proud of me.
  • djinn924
    djinn924 Posts: 105 Member
    Hey my name is Chris, I'm 28 happily married and a stay at home father of two wonderful sons. I am a disabled veteran with many physical limitations which makes exercise difficult much less being a good father to my boys. I started trying to loose weight on the 14th when I stepped on the scale had to look arround my fat belly to see i was at an all time high of 204 and in the worst shape of my life.... Today stepping on the scale I was 193.5 (bare in mind my 3 day cheat session for Thanksgiving) although I am well on my way, my wife gave up on our diet and I am trying to stay strong and away from those candy bars (of which I eat by smelling them because that is 0 calories lol)
  • djinn924
    djinn924 Posts: 105 Member
    Married father of two, my diary is completely open for both food and exercise.. Feel free to add me but please read profile n then add or not. Good luck to all.

    Your profile is set to private
  • lambeze12
    lambeze12 Posts: 44 Member
    My name is Lee, 36yrs old, and I am a father to 3 amazing kids. I am here to help lose weight and inspire others to do the same.

    I will admit that I workout a lot, but I use the program to keep my portion control down.
  • sarahshealthy
    sarahshealthy Posts: 42 Member
    I love your reasons! I don't have children but we are close in age. I added you! I've lost 60 pounds thanks to this site.
  • BootyShakingBadAss
    BootyShakingBadAss Posts: 350 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • oreyna
    oreyna Posts: 88 Member
    Welcome...this site is great and really helps if you stick to it. I've lost...regained and hoping to lose again.
  • fireflyeg1962
    fireflyeg1962 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm new to My Fitness Pal and after more than 13 yrs Bariatric post op I have had several Steroid Injections, Radio Frequency Treatments (also includes Steroids), and getting off base with my eating program. All of this combined I have put approx 60 lbs. This is both discouraging and has put a fire under me to get busy loosing this weight and to finally get down to my goal weight.
    This time last year I was only 29 lbs away from my original goal weight. I will make it this time. I won't stop until I get there. No matter what it takes.
    Congrats to ALL of those on this journey. Together we Will make it.
  • fireflyeg1962
    fireflyeg1962 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm new to My Fitness Pal and after more than 13 yrs Bariatric post op I have had several Steroid Injections, Radio Frequency Treatments (also includes Steroids), and getting off base with my eating program. All of this combined I have put approx 60 lbs. This is both discouraging and has put a fire under me to get busy loosing this weight and to finally get down to my goal weight.
    This time last year I was only 29 lbs away from my original goal weight. I will make it this time. I won't stop until I get there. No matter what it takes.
    Congrats to ALL of those on this journey. Together we Will make it.

  • kelsey_nicole15
    kelsey_nicole15 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! I'm Kelsey. This is not my first rodeo trying to drop the pounds, but it is my first attempt at reaching out to strangers for support. Ive always been heavier, but only recently did I realize that I was actually pretty average in high school, despite what I thought then. Since those days, I've gained about 60 pounds and looking back, the difference is astounding. I think it shocked me just enough to make the change permanent this time.

    I'm 24 and married with three dogs. I'm a beginner at the ketogenic diet, and I'm working on the C25K plan right now and looking for more unique ways to exercise. I'm a 911 dispatcher in Georgia, so working out is a challenge, but I'm growing to enjoy it. Now, I just need a few friends on this journey with me.

    Good luck to you all!
  • fireflyeg1962
    fireflyeg1962 Posts: 6 Member
    Kelsey, stick with it. You can do it. I am 54 yrs old and I am more than 13 yrs WLS Post Op. I was only 29 lbs from my goal this time last year and today I am 78 lbs away. I'm on my way back to goal starting today. I am disabled and exercise is a struggle for me as well. One thing that I have found that I can do indoors though is a Walking Workout that you can find on YouTube. It's not difficult nor is it boring. The one that I found is very encouraging. I still can't make it all the way through the 1 mile Walk, however when I sit down I keep doing whatever they are doing except I'm Sitting rather than Standing. I get a little further every time.
  • theycallmearth
    theycallmearth Posts: 196 Member
    Request sent!
  • ProfDawnLee
    ProfDawnLee Posts: 127 Member
    Please add me! Open diary!
  • debsydoo556
    debsydoo556 Posts: 16 Member
    edited February 2017
    Feel free to add me
  • NurseAmyJ
    NurseAmyJ Posts: 8 Member
    Add me!
  • SandraDee2014
    SandraDee2014 Posts: 16 Member
    Can totally relate! I never lost the weight from my first child, then i had another and lost all the weight from the second quickly. However with stress, and diaper changes and sleepless nights I stopped taking care of myself and gained all the weight back. Feel free to Add Me and maybe we can help each other out :)
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me ....Wishing you all much success :)
  • sarafrf
    sarafrf Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Cayla! I could see myself through your words!! I'm 30, mum of 2 boys - one is 5 and the other 5 months. For years I tried to loose the weight I gained since first pregnancy, and when I was finally achieving it I got pregnant again!! So all weight back again!! I try to control myself to stop eating junk and more than I need but it's hard. I'm on maternity leave atm and with my baby all the time, so honestly what comforts me is sit in from of tv with a chocolate bar
  • JakeL1981
    JakeL1981 Posts: 50 Member
    My nickname is Jake "the steak" for a reason. Im 20 some pounds down on my 100 goal and I'm in it for the long haul.

    Add me if you want
  • warm_fuzzy
    warm_fuzzy Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone! Recovering binge eater here. Looking for new friends to support and be supported by. I would love to be your friend! Please add me