Help me take care of me.



  • DSNStratos
    DSNStratos Posts: 8 Member
    Hey... Been reading a ton of these posts over the years and finally decided to jump in. Great group of supportive people! I wish you the best with reaching your goals.

    I'm a guy who LOVES to eat, but have managed to get my weight down to 200 lbs at 6'2" and stuck it there, within 10 pounds or so using more or less one eating technique for the last 30 years - stir fry. I won't bore the list with details on the what and how of it (you can do it right, or wrong), unless anyone is interested...

    Good luck - you can totally do this.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    I'd say that you may not feel like you can "exercise" but you can probably try to increase just *moving* your body. It won't feel like exercise, but there are health benefits just from *not sitting* that you can start realizing now. Don't sit on the couch all night - set a timer for every 30 minutes and get up, walk around the living room, to the bedroom and back. Stand up for all the commercial breaks and walk around the room. Just *move*. You may feel ridiculous and like you're not "doing" anything, but even doing that has health benefits over just sitting and waiting to be "small enough" to "work out."
  • GettingBackToIt88
    Thank you for the response. I have been putting this off for quite some time. I would like to stay more engaged this time around. I agree that CICO is the best way to look at this. Talking (or typing) is just my way of trying to ask for some friends to look to for dietary habits - what foods will help me make better choices. I guess I'm just asking for someone to remind me how to stay on the proverbial bike this time. Great suggestions! Thank you again!

    Speaking from experience, we can only keep ourselves from going off track. Squashing that inner voice that keeps us on the couch and making bad food choices. You can do anything you want to do! Sometimes we have to stop think about doing it and as Nike says Just Do It. LOL

    I was obese for most of my adult life. When I finally, decided I was going to get healthy instead of wanting to lose the weight. I changed one bad habit for a good habit every month. One meal at a time. Small changes add up to huge losses. Good Luck to you!
  • uprisingman
    uprisingman Posts: 16 Member
    my suggestion is to find some pals with a similar calorie goal who have open diaries.

    you can eat whatever you like, as long as its fits your calories!

    also, start walking, even if its only 5 minutes per day to begin with, but start making exercise a habitual part of your day/week.

    Great point. Making a good habit begins with an honest effort every day. I think I can make that happen. Thank you for the kind words.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    My advice:

    Do not tell yourself no. I've "dieted" in the past and would restrict myself from eating certain things I loved and would always fall off the wagon. Now I eat pretty much everything in moderation. If it won't fit into one day's calories I'll just plan for it to be in the next day's calories. So the answer may be "not now" but I never tell myself "no".

    It's not going to happen overnight. I used to struggle so bad with wanting the weight to just come off as much as possible as fast as possible and when my weight loss would slow down I would get discouraged and quit. Realize and accept it's not going to happen overnight and take things a day at a time.

    Make this about you. Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in other people's successes and failures (and I've done that myself over the years), but make this about you. Focus on your body, your health, your eating. What works for one person may not work for you and just because someone else fails doesn't mean you will.

    Lastly, be easy on yourself. Don't make this harder than it has to be. There will be days you may go over your calories, there may be days where your eating isn't what you want it to be, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that you keep going.

    And hey, don't worry, you've got this.