How do I go BACK to the gym?

Last year, while loosing 40 pounds, I joined a gym. The people there were very supportive. The staff as well as other gym members were great! I even did some personal training and saw excellent results! I got bored. I got frustrated when my weight loss stalled. I got scared.

I quite going to the gym through the holiday season. Then had a hard time getting back into the gym in the winter months. I stayed sick for 3 months, strep throat, uti, sinus infection, hurt knee, allergies.. you get the idea. I was on some type of antibiodic more that I was off for Jan - March. I lost the desire to go and gained all those pounds back + more!

Now, how do I go back to the gym after being such a failure??


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Just march yourself back in there with your head held high and start over!!!!
  • lozf85
    lozf85 Posts: 62 Member
    You aren’t a failure – you were unwell and you fell off the wagon. That does not mean you failed, it means you have stalled on your way to success. Big difference. The only time you can fail is when you give up.

    Getting back to the gym is probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do – but I promise you, the hardest part is the first week. Once you have clocked a solid week and it has become a routine, it will start to be habit.

    Get up tomorrow, and go! I’m going to check back with you – you will feel SO much better and accomplished.
  • caitastic24
    caitastic24 Posts: 674 Member
    First, you change your way of thinking!!!! You AREN'T a failure!! You lost 40lbs and kept it off for quite a bit..which a lot of people never even do!! Also, I see you've already lost some weight on here ALREADY so that goes to show that you can definitely do it again!!! Actually, it may be even easier this time because you had a routine you got very familiar with. I would just drag yourself back to the gym and go with it!!! Exercise can also ease anxiety (:

    Good luck!!
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    you're not a failure because you're not giving up. you had a set back. so what? everyone has them. You're not the first to fall off the fitness wagon and you wont be the last. You go and you show them that you're willing to do the work and actually do the work and they'll respect you for not giving up when a lot of people would have.
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    You aren’t a failure – you were unwell and you fell off the wagon. That does not mean you failed, it means you have stalled on your way to success. Big difference. The only time you can fail is when you give up.

    Getting back to the gym is probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do – but I promise you, the hardest part is the first week. Once you have clocked a solid week and it has become a routine, it will start to be habit.

    Get up tomorrow, and go! I’m going to check back with you – you will feel SO much better and accomplished.

  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Your not a failure your human. Just take it one step at a time and march right back it there. People fall off the wagon all the time. Why do you think most of the people are at the gym in the first place. You go get em!!!
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    don't consider it a failure, but a success that you see the need to go back! Many others there will have had similar experiences and won't care that you've not been there for a period of time!
  • The same thing happened to me. I stopped going to the gym and then decided to go back.

    Now here is the thing, the first day that I tried going back, I showered, got dressed and got in my car...turned the ignition on but ultimately talked myself out of going, got out of the car and went back home.

    Eventually I found my motivator and have been going to the gym ever since.

    So...just head back, no hesitations...just do it, you can. ^__^

  • 1973Tara
    1973Tara Posts: 3
    A failure is the person who doesn't even see they need to get back at it. That's not you! The BIGGEST thing I learned going from 222 pnds at my heaviest to now 140 pnds is to cut yourself some slack! I fell off the wagon lots and lots and did I mention, LOTS? This time however - I managed to pull myself up - forgive myself for a little blip - ( as let's face it - we are all human and blips happen) and get back into the swing of things. Forgive yourself & let it go. It's done - nothing you can do about it now but pack your gym bag and start fresh tomorrow!
  • Someday02
    Someday02 Posts: 8
    First of all , your NOT a failure. The same thing happened to me. Last year, I started going in February 2xs a week. Then in May, I went to Washington DC on a fieldtrip with my daughter, that was when I stopped. Now listen to this. This February, I started back again. I went back to the gym, and started asking around for good aerobics classes to start off with. I started in aerobics with instructors that were really good. 2 months later, I started taking my personal training sessions 2x's a week again. I hated going, because they were really pushing me. Since I paid for the year, I was not going to waste my money,. The trainer I have now is good. He pushes me on my level only, unless I tell him that I want more. This year, I have gotten sick. Was at the emergency room 2xs in one month for severe abdominal pain. The doctors thought it was a gallstone at first. Did X rays, and ultrasound, and found nothing. Then I had pain in my lower abdominal area, and they thought it was the appendix. Did an X Ray, still found nothing. My doctor decided to take me off of my meds that I am taking for mental health because she said that that can cause the pain. I remember one day, going to the emergency room for pain, being cleared, and going to the gym taking a hard as hell class!
    Do you like to work out by yourself, or do you think you are going to need someone to work out with you? If so, you can make friends with some of the women in your aerobics class. Sometimes, I sit in the Sauna and chat, and get phone numbers of ladies who are looking for workout partners.
    I use to work out 5xs a week, but that is not good, because if you push yourself to hard, you can experience burnout.
    I now go to the gym 3xs a week, and work out with this insane trainer on Saturday Mornings.
    You WILL get results from Drinking 1/2 protien shake in the morning 15 min before your workout, doing 30-45min of Strength Training, Drinking the rest of your protien shake when your finished with Strength Training. Followed by a 45 min illiptical workout on the machine. I am 37, so I want my target heart rate to be between 140-145. Ask a trainer to help you to figure out your target heart rate. If you do this method 3xs a week, and count your calories, you will be fine.
    I have been looking on Amazon, and they have books for women that show you like 101 exercises to do, what days you work which body part on, a diet regiman that you can stick to . Your more than welcome to go to amazon, type in workout books for women, and walla! They will pop up. Dont give up. I welcome you to be my friend on my myfitnesspal. We can stay in touch with each other, and you can see the foods that I eat.
    Oh, another thing! there is this website that I found years ago. Its called They have close to 1000 workout videos to choose from. You can also request a catalog to come to your house for free. They have everything ranging from yoga, to step, to strength training, They Have Gilad videos, Jullian, Denise, Cathe, etc!
    I hope this helps. Keep in touch,
  • lozf85
    lozf85 Posts: 62 Member
    How did you go darling?
  • x3vanessaxo
    x3vanessaxo Posts: 23 Member
    I'm right there w/ya so dont feel alone! I lost 27 pounds then slowly stopped working out and eating healthy because of working 2 jobs and going to school full time. I've gained about 13 pounds back. I know how you feel about thinking your a failure because sometimes i feel the same but we're not, things happen, its just life.. but you can do it! Just get back n the gym and you'll feel MUCH better. I've just started and feel alot better about myself and you will too! :) Good Luck!
  • First of all, don't beat yourself up. You are not a failure. The way you go back to the gym, is start thinking positive thoughts. You can do this and it will be great for you. I know what you are going through. A couple years ago I was very fit and was doing boot camps continously. Since then I gained 40 lbs and was way out of shape. It was embarrasing to go back. Partly I was made at myself and partly becuase I didn't want to disappoint my trainers who had worked so hard with me. When I went back, I decided to start with a class so I would have to stay at least an hour. To my surprise, one of my old boot camp instructors was leading the class that day. She remembered me and instead of being disappointed, really encouraged me. She wouldn't let me stop that day when I wanted to and reminded me that I was a machine and could do this. After the first workout, I gained a little confidence and took my sore booty back to class the next day, and then the next, and the next. After about a week, I was feeling much better about about myself and wanted to be back at the gym again. Try not to look at the past. Keep looking ahead. Take one day at a time. You will get there! You can do it, your body is a machine!
  • js775219
    js775219 Posts: 98
    You are NOT a failure!!! And here's how you go back to the gym:

    1. Get in your car
    2. Drive to your gym
    3. Walk in the gym
    4. Change your clothes
    5. Grab a water
    6. Go work out

    I know it's more work than that, but you get my drift...I know the gym can be daunting, but just think about all of benefits you are reaping and get in their and sweat!!!

    p.s. I just returned to the gym a few weeks ago and I'm loving the burn, if I can do it, you can to!!!
  • MarshallLuke
    MarshallLuke Posts: 177 Member
    Failure is saying "Forget the gym and pass the doughnuts!" You have not failed, you have been temporarily set back, and it sounds like with good reason, what with being sick!
    Just go back in there and knuckle down on one of the machines. Or, if you still can't face the gym (it is a scary place with all those guys who look like they could, and want to, bench press me) go for a walk outside. I don't know where you live, but it is gorgeous, albeit a little humid, around here. There are some beautiful hiking trails around here that range from flat to "well, I am going to have to use my hands and feet to get up that" inclines. Plus, you get to see a lot of wilderness. Plus plus, it might make you workout more than you planned. At the gym, if I am on a machine for 30 minutes, once my time is up, I am off. On the trail, once I am on it for 30 minutes, I might just want to go see what's around that next bend, or go check out that gorgeous view over there. :)
  • JoLeeFA
    JoLeeFA Posts: 211 Member
    Thanks so much for the encouragement... Thanks for checking on me..

    I didn't go to the gym today. My husband has been working 12 hour shift nights. He come in at 7 am, went to bed, and was gone back to work by 4:30 (he has a bit of a drive). I was with the kids (6 & 3) today. BUT I did take the kids out to our pool and instead of just floating around, I actually swam and kicked around for about 20 minutes.. Then I floated around for the rest of the time they swam, because my legs hurt!

    My husband is off work for the next 2 days, and then will be on day shift. So I really want tomorrow to be the day!

  • JoLeeFA
    JoLeeFA Posts: 211 Member
    I don't know where you live, but it is gorgeous, albeit a little humid, around here. There are some beautiful hiking trails around here that range from flat to "well, I am going to have to use my hands and feet to get up that" inclines. Plus, you get to see a lot of wilderness. Plus plus, it might make you workout more than you planned. At the gym, if I am on a machine for 30 minutes, once my time is up, I am off. On the trail, once I am on it for 30 minutes, I might just want to go see what's around that next bend, or go check out that gorgeous view over there. :)

    We have awesome trails around here.. BUT I am in Mississippi!! It was 100 degrees in the shade today (LITERALLY). Better keep my big booty in the air conditioning till September!
  • lozf85
    lozf85 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks so much for the encouragement... Thanks for checking on me..

    I didn't go to the gym today. My husband has been working 12 hour shift nights. He come in at 7 am, went to bed, and was gone back to work by 4:30 (he has a bit of a drive). I was with the kids (6 & 3) today. BUT I did take the kids out to our pool and instead of just floating around, I actually swam and kicked around for about 20 minutes.. Then I floated around for the rest of the time they swam, because my legs hurt!

    My husband is off work for the next 2 days, and then will be on day shift. So I really want tomorrow to be the day!


    Great work =) 20 minutes of light swimming is better than floating!

    I suggest having a conversation with your husband, and let him know that you are having motivational issues but it is really important to you, and your health and wellbeing, that you go to the gym so you would appreciate if he would MAKE you. Tell him not to let you make excuses. I have a friend who calls me if I’m feeling unmotivated that day and makes sure I get off my butt and get to bootcamp.

    It works! =)