Switching from Weight Watchers

I just wasn't losing in it and I felt very deprived. Hoping to lose 10 pounds by Christmas


  • MiniMansell1964
    MiniMansell1964 Posts: 188 Member
    That's an unhealthy aim for 4 weeks.
  • farco
    farco Posts: 2 Member
    I felt the same way about ww. Just rejoined here. Feel free to add me!
  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi Beck - welcome to mfp. This is better than WW for many people and many of us here are finding it really helps. I hope that you have all success in losing the pounds you want and a very happy healthy slim life ahead - even after Christmas.

    Your goal is a good one but the planned time scheme isn't. Patience isn't my thing either but to lose 10lb by Christmas doesn't sound reasonable (unless by Christmas 2017 or unless you are planning to starve in an unhealthy way, get some kind of plague, or are very very very obese and haven't been dieting recently).

    The best advice is to aim for between 0.5 and 2lb a week for a healthy sustainable loss.

    If you are new here - do go and look on 'community' and see the advice threads at the top. The first to look at: 'getting started'.

    Best wishes
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    4 weeks isn't that long to lose 10lbs especially if you only need to lose 10lbs. Aim for 0.5-1lb a week. But make a start regardless of the time as every 1lb lost will bring you nearer to goal :smile:
  • burnfatty17
    burnfatty17 Posts: 89 Member
    Add me
  • missmagnoliablossom
    Is there a group for ex-WWers? Feel like we should have one, haha.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Is there a group for ex-WWers? Feel like we should have one, haha.

    A large proportion of people have tried it at some point I would imagine.
  • songbird13291
    songbird13291 Posts: 120 Member
    I'm an ex WW member, too. For lot of reasons. Doing much better since I dumped them.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    what others said about harder goal I agree

    why 10lbs? I've found that if I focus on smaller lb goals (3-4lbs) that I do better overall - then a larger one but 10lbs in 25days is going to be hard/rough and will make you (potentially) feel deprived all the more
  • jaedwa1
    jaedwa1 Posts: 114 Member
    I was simultaneously logging my food on MFP and WW for a month for comparison purposes. When I'd hit my max WW points, MFP had me eating between 800-900 calories. It's no wonder I was so hungry. I understand WW is pushing for people to choose fruits and vegetables, which in of itself, isn't bad, but when a measured bowl of cereal takes up half the points for the day, the system is obviously flawed.
  • Coffeeismyjive
    Coffeeismyjive Posts: 116 Member
    I'm an ex WW too. I lost 60 lbs, and then they sold out to Oprah, and changed to smartpoints. I hate the program. It feels like a diet, not a lifestyle change. I would love to join a group for ex-weight watchers. The hardest part w/MFP is counting fruit and veggies now since they were zero points on weight watchers.
  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 979 Member
    Is there a group for ex-WWers? Feel like we should have one, haha.

    The "Guys on a Diet (GOAD)" group is mostly ex: WWs who moved here when WW shut down their BBs. Don't let the word 'guys' in the title stop you from checking it out - everyone is welcome.

  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 979 Member
    I'm an ex WW too........ I would love to join a group for ex-weight watchers.

    Glad to see you found your way to GoaD. Hope you like it there.
  • missmagnoliablossom
    Philtex wrote: »
    Is there a group for ex-WWers? Feel like we should have one, haha.

    The "Guys on a Diet (GOAD)" group is mostly ex: WWs who moved here when WW shut down their BBs. Don't let the word 'guys' in the title stop you from checking it out - everyone is welcome.


    Thank you! I'm in! I miss my board too - used to be quite active on the 20s board, but everyone slowly migrated away.
  • DaniCanadian
    DaniCanadian Posts: 261 Member
    10lbs by Christmas is likely too aggressive, however, you may drop water weight and bloat by eating at a deficit which could definitely help you feel better.
  • leajas1
    leajas1 Posts: 823 Member
    I'm ex WW too. Welcome! You won't be sorry.
  • can111
    can111 Posts: 63 Member
    Ex WW'er also. While I don't dislike the program and the "group therapy" aspect is appealing to many, the calorie counting method here works better for me. I haven't done WW for quite some time but I still will wonder to myself if something is point-worthy!
  • sallyhenwood76
    sallyhenwood76 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm x WW too joined MFP 4 days ago really loving it so far, interesting post. I was starving on WW's
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    jaedwa1 wrote: »
    I was simultaneously logging my food on MFP and WW for a month for comparison purposes. When I'd hit my max WW points, MFP had me eating between 800-900 calories. It's no wonder I was so hungry. I understand WW is pushing for people to choose fruits and vegetables, which in of itself, isn't bad, but when a measured bowl of cereal takes up half the points for the day, the system is obviously flawed.

    I wonder why? 30 sp (minimum) for me equals 1,500 cals not even counting my WP which I enjoy ;)
  • MS__Belle
    MS__Belle Posts: 5 Member
    I'm an ex-WW member too. Lots of reasons why, but mainly because the program is too expensive. I just want to wish you success. I won't say 10 pounds by Christmas is too much because everyone's personal goals are different. I believe you can do whatever you set your mind too. :)