New With Questions

So my food diary set my daily calorie intake goal at 1401. I've been counting calories for the past month now through a different site and have found that I feel like when I eat under 1600 calories I feel so weak throughout the day and find myself starving in between meals even though I have snacks. What am I doing wrong??
Also I am allergic to so many foods most of them being legumes and certain vegetables. Some allergies I can tolerate but other gets worst especially when I combine different food I'm normally not allergic to. I'm trying to be more nutritious but its so hard when everything gives me hives or makes my throat itch.
Any suggestions?!??


  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    The more fiber and protein you eat the more full you'll feel. I'm always way over in both areas and have a really hard time getting to my calorie goal of 1000-1100 (set by my nutritionist because I'm so short she said I needed to be just under the 1200 minimum for most people).
  • sicklittle
    sicklittle Posts: 21
    I don't know much about food allergies, but like the last poster, try to eat more fiber and protein. Make it so at breakfast you eat more and slowly taper off towards the end of the day. I like to start out with a smoothie in the morning (I use frozen fruits and 1% milk) and I add in a scoop of powdered protein. I'll eat Oatmeal, fiber one bar, or eggs and bacon or sausage (Jenni-o has good lean turkey bacon and sausage) If you stick to healthy meals and snacks your body should stay full...Oh and water is awesome for making you feel full.

    I am 5'5 and in the 230's and my intake is around 1700 calories a day....I am always under calories and I feel pretty good most days and thats with working out.

    I went through a lot of trial and error to find the right foods for me. Oo if you're not allergic to nuts, try almonds or pistachio's....those fill me up quick!
  • :happy: Thanks for the tips ladies!!!