Want to lose fat and gain muscle

Hi everyone
What is the best way to do that?
And when is the perfect time to do cardio ? After or before workout or in restdays ?


  • ajwcyclist2016
    ajwcyclist2016 Posts: 161 Member
    It all depends on what you have previously done and what you can cope with. Personally I'd do strength and cardiovascular on different day and have at least 2 days rest. Remember it's rest that makes you fitter not exercise. Exercise is basically knocking a wall down then rest is building a stronger wall
  • shashisback
    shashisback Posts: 6 Member
    Great thank you guys will start doing your advices
  • spiveaa
    spiveaa Posts: 1,387 Member
    Everyone is different. I have the same goals you have and I am doing great, (not trying to brag on myself). I finally went to see a nutrionist to find out just what I was doing wrong because I never could meet my goal. Now I have lost 34 lbs and my muscle strength has increased. I eat 5-6 meals a day, More protein that carbs. I work out heavy 6 days a week, do mild cardio daily, mainly walking after workouts. Again you have to do what works for you, Good Luck in your adventure, remember give a time to see results, not gonna fall off just like that.
  • spiritp1996
    spiritp1996 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone
    What is the best way to do that?
    And when is the perfect time to do cardio ? After or before workout or in restdays ?

    Hey you can't loose fat and and expect to gain allot of muscle the best way to go about it is to gain some way and train heavier with less cardiovascular, after you have gained some weight to witch you are happy and have gotten stronger and feel you have gained more muscle then you should cut and lower your calories, ones you have lower your calories and introduced some more cardiovascular you should have gotten stronger and the muscle created during bulking will appear :)
  • shashisback
    shashisback Posts: 6 Member
    Thanx guys i have already gained muscle weight from 70 to 78 in 2 yrs but there is fat around the belly , i really dont want to lose any muscle while cutting cuz i have hardly gained them . ill take your advice guys and will see what will my body fit .
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    The only way to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time is 'body recomposition' but even that is disputed by some. Generally you want to lose weight/fat and do strength training during to lose fat and hold on to what muscle you have. Once you have lost the weight you can then up the cals and build muscle with surplus.
    Body recomposition is very basically where you do cardio and weights and eat more on training days and then eat under you allowance on rest days. Apparently it takes longer than losing weight and then building
    Good luck mate
    No you really don't have to calorie cycle to recomp - that's an option if you want to complicate a perfectly normal process.

    Eric Helms:
    The main thing we want you, dear reader, to take home from this article is this – recomposition is normal. It happens – less so in trained individuals, but much more in untrained, new lifters.

  • shashisback
    shashisback Posts: 6 Member
    Useful thanx