Help - please keep me going!!

JenLeggo Posts: 3 Member
edited December 2016 in Motivation and Support
Have been eating well and working out 5x per week for 2 weeks (mix of cardio and strength). just jumped on scales and have gained 1kg. nearly cried and now i want to quit and eat doughnuts. HELP!!


  • devorahdavis
    devorahdavis Posts: 1 Member
    Heyyy Jen. Many things contribute to weight gain. Don't be so hard on yourself! Keep going. You're doing great!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Gaining could be a number of factors:

    1) Water retention: high sodium, new workout routine, close to TOM

    2) Inaccurate logging: are you using a food scale to weigh solids (including prepackaged items), and using the correcting database entry (they are user entered, and frequently incorrect)

    This is a great summary on logging accurately, note that the * referred to in the post has been replaced by the green check (some of these entries are also incorrect):
  • spiveaa
    spiveaa Posts: 1,387 Member
    Jen, give it time, the scales will move up and down when you first start out. Best advice I could you, take you some before and after photos, see how your clothes are fitting. You could be loosing the fat and gaining the lean muscle. don't get discouraged.
  • MissBeeGonz
    MissBeeGonz Posts: 141 Member
    Don't give up! It could be muscle you're gaining but still losing inches! Also with women when it's that time of the month we retain water so don't be hard on yourself and keep going!!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    You've just increased your activity level, it's natural to gain water weight for recovery and repair. Think about it rationally, if you haven't been eating more calories than your body burns are you somehow absorbing fat from thin air? If you quit and gorge on your weight in doughnuts, would that cause you to magically expel fat and get thinner or would it cause you to feel even worse?

    Have a little bit of patience and trust the process. Weight fluctuates up and down naturally due to many factors including glycogen, not going to the bathroom for a day, sodium, hormones, recovery after workouts, stress, illness, hydration level, and sometimes "just because". I highly recommend using a weight trend app, weighing yourself every day if possible, or chart your trend on excel to see your general trend instead of worrying about one data point. Here is a good app:
  • sgage_1
    sgage_1 Posts: 3 Member
    I know it works for me to picture my future self in one year from now, and all the things I can do when, not if, I meet my goal. Just keep going, you can do this!!
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    I'm right here with you. I do weekly weigh ins and wasn't happy with this week's weigh in.

    But. The reality of the situation is if you are logging all your food correctly, exercising, and staying within your calories then there is no way you have gained fat. Water weight most likely.

    Perhaps try taking measurements to measure your progress and daily weigh ins may help you to see fluctuations better.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    The older I get, the longer it takes for me to see the changes. I make the mental commitment to change and I expect to see it within a day. It doesn't work that way. Hang in there. Stay on track. It will happen. You don't want to give doughnuts that kind of power (bring them back into your life when you're the one with the power!) :heart: