PMS and weight gain....

Sporty98 Posts: 320 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I know this is an "old" topic....but stressing me out today! I was doing so well, eating well (and under goal) and working out daily! Even the week before my period started I was still losing weight! I thought, "There! No PMS weight gain for this girl!" BUT, then I got my period, and my weight's been going up, up, up! I am doing well with the calories and still working out daily....Yet the scale is saying I am gaining!

I suppose the logical thing to do would be to NOT weigh in this week.....but, I am a woman on a mission! Trying to drop those last few annoying pounds! And, now, I have to lose two more pounds that I have added on this week!

Does anyone else have this struggle monthly? AND, does anyone have any secret to NOT gaining pounds each month?! My big issue is that the pounds do not drop away (as if they were merely retained water) when my period is over.....I actually have to LOSE those pounds again! UGH!


  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    You should almost never weigh during your period. You have water weight and bloating and some people go as high as ten pounds. Don't worry. Just keep doing what you are doing and when its over it will go back down.
  • What is your sodium intake like? For me, the only time of the month I crave salty foods is right before my cycle. Increased sodium will make you retain more fluids (more than you normally would) and also can contribute by increasing your hunger, which would leads you to eat more foods. It is a vicious cycle. With the advice of a nutritionalist, I add extra protein during this time, drink more water and limit my sodium intake. It is not a perfect solution, but it keeps me from gaining 5 pounds every month. It is important to remember the weight usually comes off the next week, since it is related to fluid. Good luck
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 320 Member
    Thanks Ladies! I may have increased my sodium the week before....(I don't track that on my food tracker, but maybe I should!) I know the weight will come off....I guess I just didn't want to deal with the weight coming back every month. I feel like I've been working so hard, and then I hop on the scale and GAIN weight! It's craziness! But, I'll try to keep my head together and not freak out about the two pounds that have decided to join me this week! =\
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    Oh the joys of being a woman.. Yep yep.. I usually gain 2-3 lbs on the rag.. It is kinda depressing, and usually makes me give into my chocolate urges.. BUT it usually comes off (and more) the week after your period.. Remember to drink up loads of water during TOM.. It will help with cramps, bloating, and water weight.. Congrats on being a good girl!
  • I can totally relate! This is one of the reasons why I always say I can lose 5 pounds easily after my period! It's because I gained 2-3 pounds of bloat somewhere along the way! but now I'm in my 40's and only able to drop 4 pounds the week after my period. Weird thing is that last month, all I ate was my regular food, no processed food at all! Normally ice cream would come into the house during pms or I'd eat more cold cereal at night...graze...but this last month we did away with processed cold cereal...I had no extra weight gain during pms. but during my period, I was not so good and ate more than my 1 piece of dark chocolate a day...even ate an entire bar!!! lol so, naturally, I gained! But the day my period started I weighted peeked up to 168.5 during my period and a week after my period I weighed even even though I went up during, after it was all over I actually lost a pound!!! So keep doing what you know you're suppose to do and let your body catch up a week later ;)) Don't be discouraged, it happens to all of us...

    ditto about watching your sodium intake...sodium makes cramps even worse, but you already know that anyway...if you get them.
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    Happened to me this week - I just about threw up because the scale said I gained about 7 pounds! I'm not going to set foot on the scale until Monday at least.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    I say face the scale, you won't benefit from avoiding the it.
    In fact, you may set yourself up for future bad habits, for example "I don't want to get on the scale because (insert response here)
    -I have a headache
    -I'm having a bad hair day
    -I ate too much last night
    -I ate too much today
    -I ate too much last week

    It's going to happen like clockwork, you may as well get used to it.
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 334 Member
    I totally relate. I ALWAYS, without fail, gain weight during or right before my period. I used to go to WW and every time, I would weigh in 1-5 pounds heavier during that time!! Plus, it made me really *****y and irritable on top of it all! (Oh, so fun, being a girl!!) Anyway, I suggest tracking your sodium intake too, as it is mostly water you are retaining. Also, keep up with calcium supplements for the two weeks prior, studies have shown this to help. And yes, drink that water, as much as you can! Also, I think exercise helps with the weight gain, as well as the other lovely symptoms that come along for the ride..And if nothing else, know that it WILL come off in the future, eventually! Hang in there sister, we are with ya all the way!! :wink:
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    I just had this happen to me last week. I couldn't believe it...a 3-4lb weight gain overnight! And I didn't change my eating habits or exercise routine. Sure enough, towards the end, the scale was back to normal again. Don't worry about it, just give it a couple of days :)
  • sgeorgia
    sgeorgia Posts: 66 Member
    I'm right there with you! I feel like it doesn't come right off like it should after i feel like i'm no longer bloated.
    but...when i do an average of the last 2 months it does seem to work out to be close to 2 lbs a week. I think if i didn't weigh myself everyday during that time though...i might give in a little more easily to my salt/chocoate cravings, so the obsessive weighing seems to help maintain.
    I'm going to get my period in about a week and i'm going to experiment with (or try to) drinking a lot more water, less salt and exercise everyday (been a little lax on that).
    I'm hoping to see no weight gain...but time will tell :-)

    good luck.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    PMS is a b**** as they say! I only have 2 good weeks a month. The week before my period I'm bloated and unmotivated and weigh at least 2-4 pounds more than normal. Then the week I have my period I can't exercise to my usual level because I am crampy and tired.

    DO NOT WEIGH YOURSELF DURING THIS TIME! I tell you, it can lead to nothing but disaster!!!!

    But no, you're not alone and yes it sucks!!!

    One good trick I have and I usually only do this if I am going out or something, is I take one Diurex and drink some herbal tea, the one I like is Everyday Detox which has dandelion root in it, that seems to ease the bloat. Also I stay away from bloating foods and eat lots of cucumbers and asparagus! Every little bit helps!
  • I know this is kind of an old post but i'm dealing with this now and UGH I've magically gained 5 pounds in 2 days. I'm trying to drink more water now I'll see if it helps!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    The same thing happens to me with te bloating, and I do feel like I have to lose it all over again rather than it just falling off :grumble:
  • rula39
    rula39 Posts: 26
    I have been doing so good the last 3 weeks. I lost 5 Lbs and now i can feel I am PMSing and I just want to eat and eat and eat. I get sweet cravings too. I know i have 2 weeks of this and I will gain all of this back. So so frustrated...;-(
  • laurenward1990
    laurenward1990 Posts: 82 Member
    :( i was down to 165 last week and now this morning i'm up 4lbs.
    I dont know if mine is actual weight or because i'm starting my period (but I dont have normal or frequent ones because im on the contraceptive implant!) Help!!?
  • Wow, I am so glad i saw this. I had the same problem last week. I almost threw the scale out the door!! It was so frustrating. I do like the idea about watching the salt intake. Thanks again!

    PS Glad I decided to be nosey on this site, im new and had NO clue until last week that they have messages, blog, friend request, etc! THIS IS AWESOME!!!! =)
  • mclahey
    mclahey Posts: 81 Member
    I have gained 2 lbs over night! I M PMSING, CRAVING CHOCOLATE,....this is going to be a rough one....
  • guynx006
    guynx006 Posts: 1
    Ahh I have eaten such large amounts of food. I weighed myself and I gained like 7.5 pounds in a really small amount of family says that its all just the food and that i actally havent gained weight but now i feel like im super heavy and fat. Ah help!
  • Yup, i feel you!
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    El oh el... step away from the scale, ladies.
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