"Never let anybody say you can't and you won't"

BarryBrownFitness Posts: 18 Member
edited December 2016 in Motivation and Support
This discussion is mainly on staying motivated and having the hunger to keep on working hard each day. Way too many people get told "you can't" or "you won't" well it's time to move away from those sort of people who don't believe in your future goals and continue to say you can't and you won't do this... "You won't ever start up your business, or you won't open up your own gym one day" But if you believe in it and actually put the work in and continue to push forward leaving all those people behind and surround yourself with people who have the same mentally as you do.. Well I feel sorry for those who doubted you because they've been left behind and your way up top living your life. So stay positive and work!! It's my first post on this discussion board so I hope this "little rant" motivated at least one of you out there.


  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I might add it's also time to stop saying "I can't" to ourselves. Change the negative narrative in our thoughts!!
  • BarryBrownFitness
    BarryBrownFitness Posts: 18 Member
    @leanjogreen18 Exactly!! Once we can change the narrative in our thoughts then nobody is going to stop you from achieving your goals!!

  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I agree stop saying I can't. You can and you will if you are motivated and ready to make the change. If not that is ok too. Eventually you will be ready but, just remember you could have been there a while ago if you were only ready. Never look back only move forward. It is different for everyone.
  • BarryBrownFitness
    BarryBrownFitness Posts: 18 Member
    @kbmnurse Love it!! I agree if you don't get what your after now then it's okay keep going and going until the day you finally reach that goal and then now let's set new goals for ourselves. I feel like 99% of people fail before they even start.... A lot of them aren't patient enough, if you losing or gaining weight then you got to accept its going to take time (unless drugs are involved lol) they see how slow it's going then they say hey screw this and it will keep playing in there mind saying what if! I get also why people fail because we're not all perfect people do have real world problems but when them problems go away then it's time to work!!
  • WW1984
    WW1984 Posts: 145 Member
    My mindset to losing weight is EAT TO LIVE! Not Live to Eat. I'm 4'11" and so far I've gone from 145.6 lbs as of Sept 17th to my current weight of 128.4 lbs and have have 23 lbs left to lose.

    However, people tell me that I'm going to look emaciated if I lose anymore. I know what they say is a crock of poo, especially considering my height. So I keep in mind that maybe they aren't happy with their own weight and that misery loves company. Well I'm not going to let others deter me from meeting my goal. :)