
Hey everyone, this is my first post on MFP forums, but I visit the boards often, and find a lot of member comments very helpful, so I had a question that and was hoping someone could help me figure out.

I just started insanity a couple days ago, I understand that conceptually it focuses on max interval training, and this is supposedly what provides people with results. I have however found the workouts to be a bit short, and afterwards I find myself wanting to do some more cardio (I am pushing myself very hard during the workout, but I still have energy at the end of it, and since my heart is racing my body feels like it's telling me to go run).

I was wondering if it is okay to go for a jog or a bike ride after doing an insanity workout? Since I jog/bike at a steady pace, would this confuse my body and ruin the results of max-interval training?

Some background:
I started dieting/exercising back in January, have lost about 25 pounds since then, but I am finding losing the last 10 pounds extremely difficult. Before I started insanity, I was either running 8-10 miles a day, or biking around 40 miles (burning 1000+ calories with each workout). I'm eating extremely healthy as well, getting about 60-80g soy protein (I'm vegetarian) and 40-60g of whey per day. I also have less than 10g of fat per day, and restrict my carb intake to mostly whole grains and fibers, with the exception of fruits/veggies and skim milk. I'm also drinking plenty of water, and avoiding junk food at all costs (don't even have a desire for it anymore, funny how a healthy body works!). I also quit drinking alcohol and caffeine.

I started Insanity so it might help me shed the last 10 pounds, but I'm concerned because I am going from 1000 calorie workouts to 300-400 calorie workouts (there's no way I'm burning any more than that in one insanity workout, getting an HR monitor soon though so I'll know for sure).

I guess my main question it okay to mix insanity with steady cardio afterwards for more calorie burn? Or will this confuse my body and undo the effects of inanity?

PS. Sorry for the long post!


  • dracobaby82
    dracobaby82 Posts: 380 Member
    I started insanity a while back... November of last year... the holiday's got me off track. Amazing how you feel like you need to do more after one of those workouts LOL it's rough, good for you! I'd say go for it if you feel like you want/need to! I know when I started it I wanted to do some kind of cardio early and then insanity in the evenings because it worked schedule wise. Also back then I was going to spin class once a week... man was I sore haha

    good luck, I'd like to see other's replies!
  • imprimez
    imprimez Posts: 36
    I don't have an answer but, as someone who is also doing Insanity, I'd really love to see some thoughts on the matter as well!
  • TeMpi
    TeMpi Posts: 53 Member
    Wow, you sound just like me.

    I just completed month #1 of Insanity a couple days ago, I am a vegetarian, I quit drinking (except in tiny amounts on special occasions), I don't drink caffeine or soda, I consume anywhere between 100g - 150gof whey protein daily and I always closely monitor my foods and eat as healthy as I possibly can.

    My answer to your question, which is solely based on my personal experience and opinion, is I don't believe extra cardio and exercise can do you any harm. I do Insanity 6 days a week, weight training 6 days a week, and martial arts training (lots of cardio) 2 days a week.

    Because of the weight training and huge amounts of protein my weight loss is a bit slower than someone else who is doing all cardio. But, personally, I have noticed in this last month alone I've lost almost 10 pounds and very NOTICEABLE amounts of fat have been stripped away and shredded from my body. I can only imagine what my weight loss results would be like if I were doing straight cardio.

    As for your calories burned for insanity workouts -- I weigh 160lbs, age 23, and my HR monitor reads anywhere between 280cal - 330cal burned per workout. Those are my readings if it helps you at all.

    I've been wanting to get a road bike myself and ride whenever I can find the time just to burn even more calories and in my own head I don't see any issues there could be with doing that so if anyone does happen to have a reason why it would be a bad idea I'd like to hear it. Insanity, unlike P90X, does not say they use a "muscle confusion" tactic. It's simply cardio and stamina building workouts which is why I don't believe anything can really interfere with the program.
  • Speedy89
    Speedy89 Posts: 64
    Thanks for the very helpful posts dracobaby and tempi... yesterday I ran 8 miles after doing insanity cardio power & resistance, I woke up this morning feeling wrecked (sore in all the wrong places haha)...I don't think I'll be doing that again, but it's nice to know that I can and not interfere with the insanity program.

    TemPi - how do you manage to burn fat while also building muscle? I was able to do that for the first 25 pounds, but now I just notice myself getting stronger without getting noticeable slimmer.

    My stats:
    I'm 5'4, 131 lbs as of this morning, and about 10% body fat, but I'd like to get that down to 5-6%

    As far as I know I'm at least 300 under my calorie goals per day (mostly because of the sheer amount of cardio I do). But I stopped logging calories about a month ago, now I just eat super healthy when my body tells me to, and stop eating the second I feel satisfied. But I'm still not slimming, I guess we'll see if insanity works in slimming me down...
  • TeMpi
    TeMpi Posts: 53 Member
    TemPi - how do you manage to burn fat while also building muscle? I was able to do that for the first 25 pounds, but now I just notice myself getting stronger without getting noticeable slimmer.

    Well, I've only been getting back into shape for just over a month now. I hadn't exercised once in about a year and I jumped right into it with Insanity and Filipino martial arts and two weeks later I added weight training at the gym so my results are probably at their best right now.

    I've read that you CAN build muscle AND burn fat at the same time but, it's a slow process. What works for me, setting my MFP goal to lose 2lbs per week and consuming tons and tons of protein. I really wouldn't recommend that for someone your weight and height. (which I think is awesome already)

    Honestly, if weight loss is your only goal I'm not sure if Insanity is right for you. Yes, it is an amazing workout but, for me, the biggest thing it has done for me is multiply my stamina exponentially which is great for sparring in martial arts. Frankly, if I had the time, patience and ability I would run 8 mi. a day over Insanity any day of the week.

    Insanity also builds your leg muscles like CRAZY and tones your upper body more or less.

    Also, remember the less you weigh the more your BMR goes down. You'll naturally burn less calories. It gets harder and harder. Maybe start counting again?

    Anyway, I'm just throwing ideas out there. Hope it was helpful...
  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    You only eat 10g of fat or less per day?! That seems like far too little, and in fact might be part of your plateau problem.
  • TeMpi
    TeMpi Posts: 53 Member
    You only eat 10g of fat or less per day?! That seems like far too little, and in fact might be part of your plateau problem.

    Yes, I've heard a healthy amount is 30g - 40g.