Time to MOTIVATE! Let's go!

Just wanted to take a minute and re-commit myself to losing weight and sticking to my goals. For the last month it has been so hard with my Hubby's birthday, my birthday, thanksgiving etc. I was working so hard for 6
Months. Down 67 pounds! But slowly cheat weekend day went to two days then three then made its way into the week.
Thankfully I have maintained my loss and only up a few pounds then down then up then down.
But TODAY is the day!!! I can see it is a slippery slope and so easy to slide right back into old ways. My butt is getting on the treadmill right after this post!!! Good luck to all of you. Hope you find many successes.
-Chubby girl out :)


  • mztamaraann
    mztamaraann Posts: 35 Member
    Good luck. You got this. I'm with you 100%. Headed to the gym after work today. :smile:
  • gma38059
    gma38059 Posts: 25 Member
    @joshnicolewilliams - We are on the same page, then... I'm only down 30 in the last year, but that is the rate I chose to lose at. I blew it Thanksgiving week & picked up almost 5 pounds... down 2 from that & determined to break the 180 mark before Christmas! I only need to lose 4 pounds to do that.

    What are you doing to help? I cut bread unless I'm having a sandwich (which is rare), only get fried food once per week (take my 91 year old aunt to Hardees), try to eat 2 servings of raw veggies of some type daily. Those are my big changes & they seem to work slowly the way I want (when I stick to them!)

  • NicoleVT83
    NicoleVT83 Posts: 67 Member
    Getting back into a 4 or 5 day a week treadmill workout for 35 minutes. Exercise for me is a key to losing weight.
    As far as eating I'm with you on the cutting carbs. With my PCOS this is so important. I usually roll up my meat for lunch time.
    I started to slide and have a little soda here and there in the last 2 weeks, which isn't good at all seeing how I've been on water and almond milk.
    I stick to lean protein. Lots of fruits and veggies. My husband and I used to love pasta. But have switched to Vegetti, we use zucchini, squash, sweet potatoes mostly. It's a great substitute!