stopping weight training while in calorie deficit?

So i've been weight training for 12 weeks now at my uni gym and lost 15 and lots of inches and can see a massive difference in my body which im really pleased with! Ill be going home for christmas for 6 weeks at the end of this week and am wondering what I should do in terms of calories. I wont have access to a gym but plan on doing some home workouts, I have some weights but not very heavy but im looking online to see if I can find any fairly cheap as I have no money. So i wondered, if i continue in my deficit over Christmas (6 weeks) and still workout (bodyweight and as much weighted training at home as possible) will I loose most of the muscle I maintained over these 12 weeks? And shall I keep with a deficit and maybe just make it smaller?



  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    If you follow a solid and challenging bodyweight program, you should have no worries about losing any muscle in your current deficit.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    In terms of calories if you are exchanging one type of strength workout with another then don't change a thing.

    No you shouldn't lose muscle.

    Your lifts may be slightly down for a short while when you return to the gym but that will come back swiftly when you get back in the groove.
  • anniea1818
    anniea1818 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks guys!