49, out of shape and looking for someone to keep me on track

Hi! I'm a 49 YO woman who used to stay in shape by running. Unfortunately, although I loved to run, I still needed motivation to get out and do it. 5 years ago I tore a hamstring and haven't been able to get back into shape. I'm a dog walker so I do get some exercise but I've been getting small injuries that keep me from getting back to regular exercise. It would be great to have someone to message me and help me stay motivated to get out and exercise like I should.


  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 265 Member
    HI there! I am also a 56 year old former avid runner and trying to get back to it, at least short distances. I don't walk dogs for a living but I do get my 2 out every day. I used to be in great shape but slowly let that go. Let's help each other get back to fit and healthy living!
  • vicksg73
    vicksg73 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there. I'm 42 and yes, I used to run too and would love to get back to it. I find the only way I will regularly exercise is if I have a responsibility to do so (i.e. team sports or sessions I'm booked into) - I'm no good at self-motivation. So please befriend me Ann & Sue and we can help each other.
  • isinc2003
    isinc2003 Posts: 9 Member
    I hear ya those that love to run.. Here's what I've seen over the decades.. (I'm 49 soon) Running eventually leads to ruin.. ruining your body that is.. I don't believe we are made to run for days weeks hours .. Its just too much wear and tear on your joints.. and eventually yes eventually you'll be forced to stop anyway.. Most of us have no clue how to supplement I have a closet ! (mostly life extension products) I have a Bachelors in Alternative Medicine with a nutritional focus.. I've lost 51lbs in the last 85 days! Yes I did let myself get big too (was 283 now 231) .. I continue to lose weight until I'm back to a lean and mean 200lbs or so. I DO NOT TAKE THE EXTRA CALORIES FROM WORKING OUT! and I workout every other day.. and believe me you...... I"ve dragged my *kitten* with zero energy sometimes.! (ok alot of times) working 3 body parts on 3 days.. Legs.... Chests and Biceps and Shoulders back and Triceps.. Bodybuilding builds not just a "fit" look but is way way better for you ... I do throw in 20 min of cardio at times.. (energy permitting ) first thing in the morning.. (only time to workout empty stomach every time) go to bed early raise up early and watch your scale go down nearly daily ) Keep your carbs low (below 200 preferably 100gr) and I'll see you at the winners line! friend me if you like.. I'll help! My way has never failed me! its tough! I weigh every ounce in my body now for 80 something days.. so there is no excuse ! my calorie level is 1,520 a day .. Is it tough ? yeah .. losing weight is not a mystery but my fitnesspal will keep you on point along the way!
  • WW1984
    WW1984 Posts: 145 Member
    I was an avid runner when I was younger. I haven't been able to run since I injured my right knee. So I had to change my mindset! My motto now is "EAT TO LIVE, NOT LIVE TO EAT". I'm 46 years old at 4'11" and my weight loss journey is as follows:

    SW 145.6 lbs on 9/17/2016
    CW 128.4 lbs as of 12/4/2016
    UW 105 lbs by 2/20/2017 but will settle for 112 lbs by that date and will continue to work towards my UW goal.

    MY STRUGGLE IS REAL!!! But since changing my mindset, MFP has become an obsession for me when tracking my meals and macros. Although I meet, exceed or don't meet some of my macros; I'm still losing an average of 1 to 1.5 lbs a week. Consequently, my weight loss has been slow and steady which is the best way. Replacing coffee to include cream and sugar with oolong and green tea (+ 1 tbs honey & lemon juice) has helped a lot as well as following this simple and most effective rule: 80% Clean Diet + 20% Moderate Exercise = WEIGHT LOSS!

    Last, I've learned that there are no shortcuts! Creating a calorie deficit (through moderate calorie restriction and increase in physical activity) is the only way to lose weight. Any plan that does not require sacrifice is unrealistic and leads to failure!