Customizable Fast Food Nutrition Facts

My wife and I have been working on turning our eating habits around for almost 3 weeks now and are having pretty good success thus far. One of the best things we've done is counting our calories and taking inventory of what we are shoving in our faces.

I was wondering if anyone knew of a customizable fast food menu. For instance we go to Carl's Jr (aka Hardy's for those back east) and instead of a double western, I'll get a turkey burger without the cheese, tomato and pineapple. That ALONE cuts the cals in half! However, to be more accurate I'd like to know how many calories I'm actually eating. I know the value of the burger, but now what I'm ordering. Does anyone know of a customizable fast food nutrition guide that breaks down a food by components so you can get a more accurate idea of what you are consuming?

Does my question make sense?

Any advice would help!


  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    Have you checked their website online to see if they post nutrition info? Most places do now.
  • ChrissyLu723
    ChrissyLu723 Posts: 154 Member
    if you have an iPod or iPhone there is an app called Fast Foods, and it has so many fast food joints listed and gives you the total amount of calories, fat etc for the meal you are having. A lot of the sandwiches, fries are in the MFP Data base, so that can help you out also.
  • owlfan68
    owlfan68 Posts: 14 Member
    I have Calorie Counter by Fat Secret an app on my phone that list fast food and restaurant chains and at least 90% of the time I can find exactly what I am looking for so I can plan accordingly. I even use it for on my "cheat day" so I still know what I am eating and if my planned cheat food is worth it or even helping to plan my whole day out so that I can have what it is that I may want.

    Very useful app!!
  • Traumaturtle
    I've certainly been able to find the cal content of regular foods at a restaurant. But what I'm wondering is if there are ones that allow you to customize what you get. For instance, the turkey burger I like comes with pineapple, teriyaki sauce, cheese, lettuce, tomato and onions. I, however, get it with no produce and no pineapple. that means the calories I am consuming when i eat this burger is LESS then the original 470 cal stated on the menu. What I am wondering is if anyone knows of an app or website that will tell you the value of the burger after things are taken away (or for some, things added).

    Thanks for all your help so far!
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    Wendys does. (The Canadian site anyway) You pick your item, and then you can customize it afterwards. I don't know if yo can add things on, but you can take things off and it will give you the proper info. You can do the same thing with McDonalds.