Zumba - Calorie burn discrepancy 2 HRMS

MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
So, I am having one heck of a time trying to figure out how many calories I really burn! After my problems finding an HRM that even reads my heartbeat, I finally got that settled.

This morning I wore 2 different HRM''s to my Zumba class. One that works with a chest strap, the other that works by touch. They were on different arms and they were actually showing the same heart rate within 1-3 points.

Calories burned --- chest strap said 310, arm/touch said 737 --- holy cow what a difference!

I do Zumba on the higher end of the scale (lots of jumping and exaggerated movement) --- what do YOU burn at zumba?

Should I just pick a number between the 2?


  • mabegonz1
    mabegonz1 Posts: 5 Member
    I burn between 800-1200 calories in a one hour class, depending on the effort I put in.
  • momto3boys
    momto3boys Posts: 2 Member
    I burn about 400-450 in zumba and I jump and move a lot. I also have a chest strap HRM. I am 155 lbs, maybe that makes a difference also?
  • threekidsforme
    threekidsforme Posts: 15 Member
    I burn anywhere from 700-1200 depending on the choreography we do.
  • Iammelting
    Iammelting Posts: 64 Member
    I burn about 325
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Wow...the dicsrepancy in response is bigger than my two HRM's from this morning :) 325 to 1200! Yikes.

    I am 5'4 and 150 and definitely don't do low impact -- I'm a sweaty happy mess by the end!

    I think I'll just put 450-500 and average my 2 HRM's.... and then return both HRM's. I'm convinced they aren't accurate either.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Tested at another class ... lower impact. Wore both again and they were way off! One said 250, other said 500.
    The girl next to me had one on too and hers showed 700 -- we're bout the same size. I've decided I hate HRM's.
  • smrfyross
    smrfyross Posts: 11 Member
    I am 5'11" and my HRM typicially reads 500-700 for a one hour class. depends on how much of the class is high impact/fast etc. just curious what brands/models were you testing?
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 845 Member
    Do you have you weight and other info entered correctly into both? Thats the only thing I can think of that would make the numbers so different.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I am 5'11" and my HRM typicially reads 500-700 for a one hour class. depends on how much of the class is high impact/fast etc. just curious what brands/models were you testing?

    I'm having a test week so i've had 2 Timex, a Polar and 2 sportline --- all programmed with my current age/height/weight but still giving very different results.

    I have a feeling this would happen to anyone who wore 2 at once -- has anyone else ever compared them during a class at the same time?
  • karenp84
    karenp84 Posts: 119
    I do a 1 hour zumba class and would normally burn anything from 700 to 1200 cals per class depending how much effort i put into it.
  • smrfyross
    smrfyross Posts: 11 Member
    maybe they are confusing each other? try wearing one to zumba one day and one another and see if they are even close. yes i know different classes can be different but maybe they are cross talking with each other.
  • I'm 136 and 5' 4". My polar FT4 says I burn between 500-700, which I think is pretty accurate because I look at my HRM while I am working out and my heart rate stays pretty high the whole time (the zumba I go to is an hour long). It just depends on the person, and how hard your are pushing yourself.
  • Even if she is the same size, one of you could have put more effort into it, or one of you might be more fit than the other so it takes alot more work to get your heart rate up.
  • Tested at another class ... lower impact. Wore both again and they were way off! One said 250, other said 500.
    The girl next to me had one on too and hers showed 700 -- we're bout the same size. I've decided I hate HRM's.

    Even if she is the same size, one of you could have put more effort into it, or one of you might be more fit than the other so it takes alot more work to get your heart rate up. And if you wear 2 at the same time the signals might get mixed up. How mysterious
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Even if she is the same size, one of you could have put more effort into it, or one of you might be more fit than the other so it takes alot more work to get your heart rate up.

    Thanks :) The main reason I compare with her is we have similar backgrounds (both previously morbidly obese) so we keep each other motivated. I usually work much harder than her or maybe she just doesn't sweat and I sweat like a pig :) I am going to try just wearing 1 at a time --- tomorrow morning's class is the same one, same teacher I tested with thursday so it should be comparable.
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    Personally I hve the Polar FT60 and I LOVE that thing :) IMO if I use the reading my hear rate monitor gives me and actually manage to stick to my healthy eating then I lose weight like crazy! So it may be off but it's still helping me :)
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