The Time of day self sabotage...



  • dynamitedawn
    dynamitedawn Posts: 17 Member
    I used to be a big 'mindless' night time snacker and it was one of the things I had to address during my weight loss phase. I gradually cut my eating window back and now I'm usually done eating calories by 7-8pm, and then after that I drink 0 calorie teas or sodas, or low calorie hot cocoa (25 calories per cup). Now it's just habit to not eat at night and it feels weird if I do :)

    Im starting to think its a habit i have too,but Ive never noticed..thank you im really going to try xxx
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    i work out twice a day weights during the day and boxing or circuits at around 6 , im fine until about an hour afterwards then im starving, I really need to learn more about food and exercise x

    Why do you do so much exercise? It is really not required and may be the cause of some of your hunger.

    Because i enjoy it and im training for my black belt in kick boxing and my first boxing fight, 2 hours is not a lot 5 days a week, like i said i have to get more knowledge on food with training

    There is a point at which you start over-training which makes it inefficient and in your case, increases your hunger so much that you are cheating on your diet.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    Does anyone find a particular time of day harder to resist, snopping in the fridge, thinking about a takeaway, searching out that last bag of crisps?? My junk food cravings are definately between 8pm and 10pm I even try telling myself I earned the right to pig out because "Ive been good all day". Id like some help on how to combat it, I know people say its boredom andbyou should keep busy but I work out, look after my kids and work I need to unwind and food seems to be the way I "unwind" unfortunately, any tips or people in the same situation out there that might help break this cycle??

    i plan a snack before bed - normally a small bowl of cereal - its the first thing that goes into my MFP diary every day - so i don't feel the need to snack because i've been good all day, knowing that its already planned
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Late evening for me, after dinner. Sometimes before bed I find myself a little hungry and grabbing an extra snack or piece of chocolate. :/
  • dynamitedawn
    dynamitedawn Posts: 17 Member
    I started weight loss around 2 years ago at 19 stone, i began 1, 1 hour fitness class a weeks, 4 months later i started a 2nd class, by january this year i was doing 3 classes , may o joined a boxing gym and ive dropped 5stone, once i find a class becomes 2nd nature i add another to push myself, so I know im capable of the traaining I do, its just in the evenings I get bored I think, or as pervious people have noted its a "habit" ive never managed to break
  • lalee115
    lalee115 Posts: 185 Member
    If I haven't eaten since lunch, I am like a monster when I get home after work (about 5:30). If I have something right before I leave work or on the drive home like an apple or a handful of nuts, I find it keeps the edge off until dinner so that I'm not tearing through the cabinets like a maniac.
  • dynamitedawn
    dynamitedawn Posts: 17 Member
    Ive gotten some really useful tips from members today, thank you lalee115 maybe i need a 'go to" healthy option to help curb it x
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Maybe you really just need the extra calories? 10 hours of exercise per week is a lot. I hope you've calculated your calories to include/support that or are eating back exercise calories. I also hope you are getting plenty of protein to support muscle repair. You've said you need to learn more about eating with training- have you consulted your coach?
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited December 2016
    Over the years, I found a lot of my mindless eating at certain times was habit.

    I've employed a couple of different strategies to deal with it.

    I do intermittent fasting.

    I end every daily eating window with a planned evening snack of a big bowl of popcorn. Sometimes I have ice cream instead.

    I have a widely varied stash of herbal tea.

    I have a wide variety of sugar free gum in different flavors.

    I always have diet soda around in case tea doesn't appeal.

    Sometimes, I tell myself to take a little walk instead of eating because walking blunts my appetite.

    I go to bed early and get up early.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    @dynamitedawn how many calories do you eat in a day? What is your activity level in addition to your 2 hours of exercise a day? Please consider whether @trigden1991 is onto something!
  • dynamitedawn
    dynamitedawn Posts: 17 Member
    I start my days at 6 am , i work as a chef, i finish by 1pm as I get the gouse sorted for my kids, dinner and such , i hot the weights for around an hour , then once my kids are sorted i go to class for an hour while my husband takes care of them, after that I just relax or do paper work so I dont feel like I do alot, spoken to my coach tonight and hes basically said to stick to high proteins and carbs after a workout
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    I start my days at 6 am , i work as a chef, i finish by 1pm as I get the gouse sorted for my kids, dinner and such , i hot the weights for around an hour , then once my kids are sorted i go to class for an hour while my husband takes care of them, after that I just relax or do paper work so I dont feel like I do alot, spoken to my coach tonight and hes basically said to stick to high proteins and carbs after a workout

    Nutrient timing makes no difference to fat loss
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    edited December 2016
    Maybe you really just need the extra calories? 10 hours of exercise per week is a lot.

    It is???

    I aim for a minimum of 50 hours a month ... preferably more.

    (I just averaged my hours of exercise over the past 11 months, and my average is slightly over 50 hours a month )

    And yes, you do have to eat at least some of your exercise calories back. :)

    When I was losing weight ...

    If I'm only exercising a little bit, like maybe an hour's walk, I might eat about 50% of my exercise calories back.

    If I'm exercising a moderate amount, like perhaps a 2 or 3 hour bicycle ride, I might eat about 75% of my exercise calories back.

    If I'm exercising a lot, like 6+ hours on the bicycle, I'll aim to eat about 95% of my exercise calories back.

  • samchez0
    samchez0 Posts: 364 Member
    After the kids go to bed. I just want to eat everything in sight that I told them they couldn't eat.
  • Shanairah1991
    Shanairah1991 Posts: 152 Member
    My hardest time is in the evening as well. I have really bad impulse control so what works for me is to not have any snack foods in the house at all. If I need something for my sweet tooth I have to get dressed and leave the house (not likely) or settle for tea with honey.