140 lb Weight Loss Challenge.

Santeham Posts: 36 Member
So I'm trying to loose 140lb's and have started a video diary to document my weight loss. I also use the opportunity to talk fairly openly about the issues surrounding being overweight. I've only just started in the last couple weeks, but it's already kept me motivated to not eat take-aways when I have the craving to, and stay on my weight loss plan.

I currently weigh approx. 340 lb's and plan to get to around 200 lbs. This is my video diary if you are interested: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZywsUNU8WbDIS8rzob1y4g


  • Reedthebigguy
    Reedthebigguy Posts: 3 Member
    You can do it, I started at 335,340 Lbs. Now I'm at 270 and still going down. If I can tell you anything don't use the lowest weight of 200 lbs. as your starting point. Start with 10 to 15 lbs. take a little bit at a time. Find something that you enjoy doing. When I started I walked outside with someone that was already walking. I told that person not to slow down for me. My first 20 minutes I was huffing and puffing and ready to sit down. After a couple weeks no more huffy, puffy just sweaty. You will not regret it and your doing it for you. You are the most important thing in your LIFE !!! DO NOT LET ANYONE TAKE THAT FROM YOU....
  • Santeham
    Santeham Posts: 36 Member
    Yeah, I've made a few short term goals. The scales I have in the bathroom go up to 330lbs which is why I say approx. I'm going to get some more today or tomorrow so that I can get an accurate fix on my weight, but my first goal is to get onto my current scales at 330lbs. After that, get under 300lbs...
    I was looking today at the NHS 'Couch to 5k' programme, so hopefully I can start getting some Cardio as well.

    Its really good advice, and it's great to hear about someone that is doing the same weight loss as I am... Congratulations BTW on your current progress!

    The link I put up the top here seems to have attracted a few peoples attention as well, since my viewer numbers and subscribers have gone up. It's really given me a big boost to want to keep going! and keep loosing weight, so thank you to everyone that's checked that out!