will crunches make me look "like fatter?"

this is and was terribly embarrassing:

i was doing crunches at our student health center recently and one of the trainers--who are grad students in physiology--sort of pulled me aside and said the following:

"um, you might want to hold off on the crunches until you're a little, like, more slender."

I asked why.

she said, "because, when you like have a little bit of a gut, crunches will only make your abs bulge out and you'll look like fatter."

is there any truth to this? i thought it sounded like b.s., but i have no idea if she's right or not.

but, if those God-awful crunches will make me look fatter, i'll be happy to quit doing them!

thanks for any info.



  • willem
    willem Posts: 26
    this is and was terribly embarrassing:

    i was doing crunches at our student health center recently and one of the trainers--who are grad students in physiology--sort of pulled me aside and said the following:

    "um, you might want to hold off on the crunches until you're a little, like, more slender."

    I asked why.

    she said, "because, when you like have a little bit of a gut, crunches will only make your abs bulge out and you'll look like fatter."

    is there any truth to this? i thought it sounded like b.s., but i have no idea if she's right or not.

    but, if those God-awful crunches will make me look fatter, i'll be happy to quit doing them!

    thanks for any info.

  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    i have heard the same thing, but im not sure if its true???? sorry not much help!!!
  • ranibauer
    How rude!!!!!! :mad: I am not sure 100% but I know there is no point of doing crunches (besides strength and posture) until your body fat is low. If there is a layer of fat on top of muscle, you won't see any of the muscle. In theory that trainer does sound correct, however I have never experienced it. If anything doing crunches might give you better posture even if the muscles make you look a teensy bit bigger. Better posture makes you look 10 lbs smaller!
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    I've heard both arguments about this...that they will and that they won't. I do them daily because I want to make sure that, once the fat on top is gone, I have some good tone underneath without having to start up then. Strengthening your core is good for you and will help you in your workouts.
  • dirtydserieswoot
    I've heard both arguments about this...that they will and that they won't. I do them daily because I want to make sure that, once the fat on top is gone, I have some good tone underneath without having to start up then. Strengthening your core is good for you and will help you in your workouts.

    preach on!

    i have always had a weak Core and it has hurt my posture severely..
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    Well maybe slightly, but if you're also doing cardio, the additional muscle will help you burn more fat more quickly. I think students are told lots of things I had one tell me I shouldn't stretch, that's its bad for your muscles?!

    Plus, just the fact that she took someone trying to get fit aside and told her not to keep exercising saying it might make them like look "like fatter..." :laugh: :laugh: I wouldn't trust her any farther than I could throw her.
  • brookefoley
    brookefoley Posts: 104 Member
    I think that's ridiculous. Even if your body is not in your best shape yet, crunches are good for you (as long as you're not doing them wrong and hurting your neck) because toning those muscles will help you in the rest of your life - it will make you stronger, more able to do other exercises, and less apt to injure yourself. I agree with what everyone else said too that it will make it easier to get the look you want once the extra weight is gone, but what it looks like is NOT the only reason for doing it. Do it for your health and for how you will feel. So maybe don't do as many, if you're worried about it, but I wouldn't let what she said bother you or stop you from doing a few sets.
  • miasuperstar
    Plus, just the fact that she took someone trying to get fit aside and told her not to keep exercising saying it might make them like look "like fatter..." :laugh: :laugh: I wouldn't trust her any farther than I could throw her.

    :laugh: Ha! Totally!! Something worth mentioning- my boot camp and pilates instructor at my gym have both said that if you tighten your abs (which is actually quite difficult for me to do it seems) ywhile your doind crunshes you will be working the muscles that lie deeper (second layer) in your core and not got any "bulging"- she had a name for these guys which i can't remember. Another thing worth trying is the reverse crunches that strengthen the lower abdomen. I'd say keep doin' what makes you fitter!
  • MissGorgeous
    MissGorgeous Posts: 394 Member

    if your doing cardio
    the muscle will burn fat
    so BUILD muscle...ANYWHERE you can...jeez stupid lady
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Well crunches really don't do much accept tone your muscles slightly if you are thin, you should at least be doing them on one of those big balls. Crunches don't work enough of the abdominal muscles, they only work one. Hope that helps!

  • willem
    willem Posts: 26
    thanks for all the replies. well, i guess i'm stuck with the crunches. :laugh:
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    thanks for all the replies. well, i guess i'm stuck with the crunches. :laugh:

    Good for you!

    There's nothing worse than losing alot of belly fat, only to realize you have serious undertoned ab muscles. You will thank your lucky stars for the core training you have been doing.

    Keep it up!:flowerforyou: