weight lose buddy

Not sure what is going on with my body. I have been eating right and working out I not only hit a brick wall but now I have gained weight. I was almost in tears. I would have if I were at home but I am at work so I must keep it together. I work in the medical industry so we have healthy you station. It has a scale weight loss tips, DVD's people donated and pamphlets. So early in the morning before it gets busy I check my progress. I know there will be times when the scale won't move but why go up?? If anyone has any suggestions please I am willing to listen.


  • TheDrew85
    TheDrew85 Posts: 13 Member
    tons of reasons goof, no reason to get upset, I used to do the same, i'd see my weight fluctuate even a pound and i'd freak, but then I realized it was silly to get worked up, so many things contribute to it, water intake for example, and if your working out obviously that muscle is going to weigh some too :) Everyone hits that plataue and its hard to break thru it, just don't give up and keep doing what your doing, you're doing more than most people and your trying to make yourself better, let that be your inspiration! Lastly, you have to consume 3500 calories to gain a pound lol, I don't believe your eating that much :p Keep at it and you can achieve anything
  • Nursing4423
    Nursing4423 Posts: 2 Member
    Same thing happening with me girl. I have been trying to diet and workout and somehow I make no progress or even gain weight. I'm looking for someone to talk to on a daily basis who's going through the same thing as me, so we can motivate eachother and provide support when we have those unavoidable cravings!!
  • cjordan4u
    cjordan4u Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you TheDrew85 I needed that. I have been working myself into a frenzy to get to a certain weight by the end of the year. Then I would have 50 more pounds to go. I keep forgetting that muscles weight more than fat.

  • cjordan4u
    cjordan4u Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you Always_Kriss your correct there could a lot of different reasons. I read package serving sizes all the time so I am pretty spot on when it comes to portion sizes. It's just the past several weeks my eating habits on the weekend have been crazy but during the week I am very disciplined. It's all the holiday gatherings. High in fat, sugar and salt. I looked over my log and yes I did consume things I shouldn't have. So I am paying closer attention to what I am consuming. Thank you for pointing that out to me.
  • cjordan4u
    cjordan4u Posts: 8 Member
    Hey there Nursing4423 I have had many moments of the scale not moving and I shouldn't have went off the deep end but I'm glad there are people out there that want you to succeed. So I calmed down and really took a look at what I was eating. Too much sodium and not enough water to flush it out. I would love to be your weight loss buddy just send me a friend request