
Does drinking water really help weight loss? I've heard and read lots of different things on the subject and was wondering what you guys have seen from experience.


  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    It definitely helps me. I notice that with the hot weather, my fingers don't swell and I feel skinny. It also helps me from over eating or eating when I'm bored. Plus if you drink the recommended amount of water, it actually helps you not hold onto water weight. Weird, but true.
  • 11jess11
    11jess11 Posts: 24
    i think it does b/c if your drinking a good amount regually you are fuller/ feel fuller therefor dont snack as much/ at all
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Drinking water not only helps with weight loss but has other benefits like being good for your skin, flushing your body of toxins, etc. But I find personally that drinking enough water is something you need to do on a daily basis or you won't see the affects (ie. you cant drink 8 to 10 glasses every 2 days) - it needs to be consistent to really notice a difference. At first it seems to be more of a nuisance because you feel like you have to go to the washroom every 5 minutes!! But once your body adjusts it will get better, if you keep up with it consistently. :happy:
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    There has been far more reported positively for drinking at least 8 cups of water a day than on the negative, I would go with the positive on this one. For me, I drink at least 12-14 cups most day and I don't see where drinking that much water has hindered my weight loss and I can see where I have benefited.
  • dfrazier77
    dfrazier77 Posts: 19
    I just read something that said if you drink a large glass of water first thing in the morning it will jump start your metabolism. For me it fills me up when I am eating and I don't eat as much.
  • lisaelam123
    Water helps you to feel fuller. I have always been told to drink a glass of water before a meal, or during, and it will help to fill you up and you wont eat as much food! And since water is 0 in everything (calories, carbs, sugars, etc...) its awesome to help you lose weight! I have personally done this and it does help!!

    Good Luck to you!! :smile:
  • cedarhurst2006
    cedarhurst2006 Posts: 378 Member
    I agree. I think drinking lots of water has benefits but I personally hate drinking plain water. I drink lots of seltzer (I gave up diet soda) and every morning I brew tea (I like Celestial Seasonings True Blueberry) and keep the unsweetened tea in the fridge. I sometimes add a green tea bag because I've read that boosts your metabolism. I add the unsweetened tea to my water bottle for the gym, too!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    I also wanted to post this article which discusses drinking cold water vs. room temperature water. I personally have always prefered room temperature water to cold water and one day my friend informed me that it was actually better for you! Its a pretty interesting article, in summary, think of your stomach like a sink drain, if you pour cold water down your sink after putting something greasy or fatty (like bacon grease) down, what happens to the grease? The fat solidifies and is harder to break down, whereas with warmer water helps the fats to remain fluid - similar to our stomachs!

    Anyways check it out :)

  • amandarenee31
    amandarenee31 Posts: 54 Member
    Muscles are made up of 70% water. You're body needs a certain amount to just keep itself going. It also works to flush sodium from your body. If you are trying to lose body fat, your body needs any extra water it can get to keep your muscles and organs working properly and to make sure you don't lose muscle too in your weight loss.

    I've noticed that I am very sensitive to sodium. When I don't drink enough water and I consume a lot of sodium, I retain water and gain weight because of it. I've made a habit of drinking water in the morning before my workout, water after my workout, water with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I then drink some before bed. I usually use a 16.9 oz water bottle to make drinking the water easier to measure.
  • sistermooooon
    It HELPS! :) And makes you feel so much better! And after a while it does taste good. LOL
  • jayb123x
    jayb123x Posts: 138
    Drink water at whatever temp you like. I prefer ice-cold but do keep a case of water in my car and don't mind having it warm.


  • figmo124
    figmo124 Posts: 3
    "far more reported positively for drinking at least 8 cups of water a day than on the negative"

    Why would "more reported positively" necessarily be accurate information about water consumption? What if weak-minded journalists simply repeat the first error?

    Just Google

    8 glasses of water 1945

    and see what you get. There's an explanation for this myth.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Btw, cant people use the search function for threads like this? There's been like 5 on this same subject in the last week...